Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Monday, December 23, 1929
Bethlehem Booters Earn Well Deserved Victory Over Agar's Invaders

Coming back to Bethlehem after a lapse of many, many months the Brooklyn Wanderers had anything but an auspicious renewal of relations on local soil, falling victim to Bethlehem's well oiled soccer machine in the Atlantic Coast League game played here Saturday afternoon. The final whistle found Bethlehem on the long end of a well earned 3 to 1 score.

Once Brooklyn located the ball into the rigging and then on a shot from Robertson that was really intended for a center but Dame Fortune smile when a gust of wind carried the ball with just enough swerve to escape the outstretched arms of goalkeeper Beveridge. Alec Dick put Bethlehem in the running with the pretties shot of the game and then with the going dead-locked Archie Stark swerved up the contest with a brace of goals.

Bethlehem was at a disadvantage in the first half when the Agarites, reinforced by the inclusion of Josef Eisenhoffer, played with the wind and sun to their backs. They adapted their style in accordance with the elements, resorting to the kick and rush style and no few times the ball carried deep into the goal area. Beveridge pulled off several beautiful saves and was given excellent support in the defense by his backs, McGregor and McDonald and with Carnihan no few times dropping back from the halfback line to lend his support.

Stark's goal shooting mod was apparently off color in the early part of the game for shortly after the opening kickoff Bethlehem carried a raid to the visitors' territory and Stark missed from close quarters. Thrice afterwards the brilliant Bethlehem center forward missed the mark with parting shots and then Brooklyn took up the attack.

The homesters were successful in defending for thirty minutes and then came the attack that put the visitors into the lead. The halfbacks were mingling with the forwards and Robertson received the ball close to the corner flag. His high lofting center directed well in front of the goal was caught by a gust of wind and swept into the far corner of the rigging. In the remaining fifteen minutes of play the homesters had really but one more golden opportunity to equalize when Stark shot bye on Reid's free kick taken from a few years outside of the penalty area.

Although one goal down at the interval Bethlehem was not discouraged and immediately at the restart began crowding the visitors net. Smith, who usually plays a stellar role between the uprights did not disappoint and the shots that beat him were of the unsavable variety.

Ten minutes elapsed before the determined attack of the Steelmen was rewarded. Taking a pass up center Dick shot from twenty-five yards out and his attempt so surprised the Brooklyn custodian that when he did lunge forward to save, the ball, traveling with rifle speed, crashed into the net.

Within a few minutes Bethlehem was leading and again it was Dick who started the scrimmage in front of the net. His speedy shoot was knocked down by Smith with Purgavie closing in. The Bethlehem inside left beat the goalie but his hasty drive bounded off the body of the Brooklyn defender and rolled to the mouth of the unprotected goal. Stark came dashing in had need but give the gall a deft little touch to locate the target.

Beveridge had a comparatively easy time in the second half with the visitors seldom getting the ball down to his end of the field. The most dangerous assault came shortly after Bethlehem first took the lead when Nehadoma completely missed the ball on a good chance to score Molnar messed up the opportunity still more when taking the shot from close range he lifted it over the cross bar.

Bethlehem's first goal came within the last ten minutes of play, a beautiful header by Stark on a perfect pass from Gillespie. Line on each of the two preceding goals, Smith was completely beaten.

Brooklyn -- Bethlehem
Smith -- G -- Beveridge
Laslo -- RFB -- McDonald
Grosz -- LFB -- McGregor
Robertson -- RHB -- Reid
Brown -- CHB -- Carnihan
Kovecal -- LHB -- Pitt
Braun -- OR -- Gillespie
Molmar -- IR -- Dick
Nehadoma -- CF -- Stark
Eisenhoffer -- IL -- Massie
Yule -- OL -- Purgavie
Goals -- Robertson, Dick, Stark 2. Substitutions: Rollo for Purgavie. Referee: Danny Oats; linesmen, Pepper and Forrest. Time of halves, 45 minutes.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club