The Advantage of Ideal Facilities
Practically every soccer game in the country was postponed on Saturday because of the inclement weather conditions except that of the Bethlehem and Coats. Not that it rained more elsewhere or less in Bethlehem but because the facilities for soccer in this city can be truly said to be the best in the country with the field no doubt the best. Had Bethlehem been forced to entertain its visitors on a field of clay or a plying pitch not as carefully laid out and taken care of as the Steel Field, there is little doubt that the ankle deep and even knee deep mud experienced in other cities would have prevented the game here. The heavy sodden playing pitch was devoid although very wet and slippery until the closing minutes when due to the trampling around of twenty-two players it would be only nature that little patches of much would be noted here and there.
Confidence Personified in N. Y. Camp
Some distinguished soccer visitor from New York to Bethlehem on Saturday afternoon is the authority we take for stating that confidence personified reigns in the camp of the New York F. C., where it is predicted that by the close of Christmas Day afternoon the Steel Workers will be eliminated in the National Cup competition. Interested in his conversation it slipped our mind to ask his name but the fact that he traveled on from New York to Bethlehem to see the game is self indicative of his importance in the booting game. "Bethlehem has a wonderful team but don't overlook the fact that if Bethlehem does win it will be only after the most spirited battling. If confidence is a criterion of success, I pick the New Yorkers for this attitude is reflected in the conversation of the players and more emphatically so by Hugh Magee, manager of the club. Anyone who knows Magee knows his players will fight to the final whistle. Happened to meet him at the station before boarding the train to come to Bethlehem and during the brief conversation waiting for train time he remarked that the winner would be the New Yorkers. It certainly will be a great game and hope I can arrange to be here.
Where Did Oellerman Play Before?
We have said much about Oellerman, the Bethlehem goaltender, but probably erred in not being more explicit in elucidating his connection with the game. "Where did he play before," "Is this his first season," "Strange that if he's good Scullins or some other St. Louis team did not hold on to him." And numerous other such queries were overheard at the last two games played in Bethlehem. Briefly, Oellerman is a ball players, performing in back of the bat in summer time for the Kalamazoo team in the Michigan-Ontario League. In summer time he plays ball and fall and winter keeps in condition by playing soccer. "Did he ever play big league soccer?" He sure id and fans referring to the National Cup final of last season between Paterson F. C. and Scullins, of St. Louis, will note that the new Bethlehem acquisition played a similar position with the Scullin eleven. They will also find a glowing tribute made in reference to Oellerman as guardian of the Scullins citadel. Paterson won the title, by forfeit when Scullin unable to hold their payers because quite a few had obligations to honor baseball contracts, were unable to remain East for the replay of the tie game waged. Oellerman is said to be a very intimate friend of Harry Ratican, now manager of the Ben Millers, of St. Louis and it is possible that harry still has a warm spot in his heart for the Bethlehem Club. Or the popularity and record of Bethlehem was the influencing medium in luring him to this city.
Winner Predicted The Eastern Champion
Because soccer is at its height and there is plenty to talk about and because scholastic and collegiate Winter sports are practically at a standstill until after the Christmas vacations, is one of the reasons for harping so much in the past on the booting sport. Also because it is beginning to take a strong hold on the sports followers who are beginning to realize the importance of the battles staged in their own back yard. Gossip from the middle west predicts that the winner of tomorrow's battle will be the Eastern finalist and so assured are they in the St. Louis district that it is understood the Scullins want a crack at the finalists before the Eastern team invades that section to decide the issue. Scullins wants to play an exhibition game on New Year's day with the winner between Bethlehem and New York and immediately the latter is decide a wire already prepared will be forwarded. This telegram will convey the information that the Scullins are willing to assume all traveling expenses together wit ha privilege of a $2,000 guarantee or fifty percent of the gate. So you see the two teams to battle tomorrow ill have an addition incentive for victory in view. Whether Bethlehem would accept is not known but it is said that the Gothamites are looking forward to the trip with keen anticipation.