The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, December 26, 1918
Game Scheduled Hurriedly and Trip Arranged for in Two Hours.

A long expressed desire of the Bethlehem F. C., United States champions in soccerdom, was gratified today when arrangements were made for a tour of the team to St. Louis, where three games will be played. St. Louis, a city boasting of turning out the greatest soccer players that ever stepped on a field, h as been the target of the Bethlehem team for some time and although numerous games were proposed, the guarantee was insufficient to warrant the trip tot he Middle West. However, this morning Manager Sheridan received a substantial guarantee and receiving the consent of the other officials of the team, immediately accepted and will start for St. Louis this afternoon at 4 o'clock.

The games are arranged by the St. Louis Soccer Association, of which Winston E. Barker is president. According to Manager Sheridan, the schedule of games is not definitely known but it is believed that the Ben Millers and the St. Leo's, the two strongest soccer aggregations in St. Louis, will be played on Saturday and Sunday respectively, and that the third game will be played on New Year's Day when the pick of All-St. Louis will be pitted against the Steel Workers.

Manager Sheridan stated that within two hours all arrangements were completed and that the players were greatly surprised when told to be ready to make the trip. The team will arrive in St. Louis in time to be in good condition for the initial contest on Saturday. "Jimmy" Easton, one of the Bethlehem star players, will not make the trip. Easton was injured in the first game with the Canadian team several weeks ago but has not recovered sufficiently to take part in any practice. The champions will leave St. Louis to return home immediately after the game on New Year's Day.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club