Bethlehem Globe
Monday, December 27, 1915
Local Team Blanks Sawmakers in Second Round of National Cup Replay.

Contrary to expectations, the replayed second round of the national cup competition between Bethlehem and Disston at Tacony ball park, Saturday, was a poor exhibition of football, Disston making a very poor showing and losing out by three goals to none. Had the home team, instead of playing the man in the scrimmages, went after the ball more it would have had a better chance of making more progress, Andrews being one of the chief offenders.

From the kick-off, p laying with the wind, Disston forward line attacked, but the defense of the opposing side relieved the pressure and set going Fleming, but the latter shot past the goal. From the six-yard kick the Steel Workers again attacked and at the expiration of twenty minutes of play Pepper open3ed the scoring with a cross shot into the right-hand corner of the goal, Pearce having very little chance. Ten minutes later another goal was scored by the visitors, Pearce again having no chance when MacDonald's shot hit the right upright and bounced into the net. The Bethlehem team continued to play the better football and when half-time arrived held a substantial lead of two goals.

After the teams had changed ends play was even rougher in this period than in the first one, Morrison going in for a fair share of rough charging. However, the clever little halfback went on with his game without retaliating. The third goal of the match was scored at six minutes from the restart, Butler booting the ball into the net at short range after Pearce had partially cleared from Brown.

From the center kick, play was of the midfield order, but on the breakaway Fleming flashed the ball into the net, but was ruled off-side by Referee Walders, this being a questionable decision. Time was drawing to a close and it was beginning to feel the strain of the contest, Disston having one of the best chances to score, but the shots lacked the sting to beat a goalkeeper.

Bethlehem -- Disston
Duncan -- G -- Pearce
Fletcher -- R.F.B. -- Small
Ferguson -- L.F.B. -- Spalding
Murray -- R.H.B. -- McLaughlin
Campbell -- C.H.B. -- Rodgers
Morrison -- L.H.B. -- Kirkpatrick
Butler -- O.R. -- Andrews
MacDonald -- I.R. -- Ware
Pepper -- C.F. -- Houison
Brown -- I.L. -- Morrison
Fleming -- O.L. -- Bailey
Referee -- James Walders. Linesmen -- Lawson and Scott. Time of halves -- 45 minutes. Goals for Bethlehem -- Pepper, MacDonald and Butler

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club