The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, December 27, 1917
Soccer Notes

Bethlehem Steel's soccer team will travel to Philadelphia on Saturday to play Disston in the third round of the National Cup. This cup is the premier honor in soccerdom. The Steel Workers are aware that Disston will play an different game on their own grounds, but the victory here Tuesday was so pronounced that every man feels confident that he will be able to repeat. Nevertheless no over-confidence will be allowed to mitigate against the Steel Workers' chances. Disston will be treated with the respect they deserve, and only an absolute reversal of form on the part of Bethlehem will make a Disston victory possible. Disston will be reinforced by McLaughlin and Spalding at fullback, but this pair did not show exceptional ability in the Red Cross game, especially when hard pressed and undoubtedly will be given little scope for the long free kicks that feature their style of play.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club