Gotham fans were loath to accept the high score rolled up against the Giants in the Saturday game as an indication of strength of Bethlehem, but were thoroughly convinced of the high-powered and superior Bethlehem machine after the decisive drubbing handed Hakoah on the latter's home loam on Sunday afternoon. Here the game was played under field conditions similar to the home game on Saturday, but the elements did not seem in the least to mar the brilliant performance of the Steelmen.
In their defeat the National champions never had a chance. Every forward movement was readily checked by the Bethlehem defense and these were few and far between, for Hakoah for the most part was busy defending against the aggressive and clever tactics of the invaders. In contrast there was no comparison of the two teams and the Jewish boys submitted to what seemed the inevitable after the first t[...] goals had been driven in by Alec Dick, Bethlehem's outside left. Johnny Jaap captivated the crowd with his clever work, dribbling through practically the entire Hakoah team on a solo effort to score, while Reid, a halfback, shoved in the fourth goal for good measure.
An idea of the tremendous pressure that Fischer, Hakoah's goalie, was under may be had from the tally of corners, which gave Bethlehem a count of three to one in the first half and six to none in the second.
The game had hardly started when Carnihan, center halfback, stopped a hot drive amidships and time was taken out to permit him to recover. Gillespie receiving from Massie, sent one whistling past the Hakoah upright. Hakoah's only corner during the entire game came after five minutes when Gruenwald's try glanced off Finlayson and went over the line. Sternberg blocked Stark and then Dick shot to one side. A foul was called on Nickolasburger for roughing Dick. The latter took the free kick and Stark headed past.
As Drucker fouled Gillespie, Reid took the free kick. On the ensuing play Bethlehem gained a corner on the right, which was cleared. Owing to the slippery conditions of the field, fouls were frequent. Drucker, from a free kick by Neufeld, worried Fraser with a close one. Carnihan fed over to Dick, whose intentions were good, but the ball struck the cross bar and continued its flight beyond. Massie was fouled and McGregor took the free kick. Gillespie endeavored single handed to get away from four Hakoah men, but the odds were too much.
Jaap forced Bethlehem's second corner off Sternberg. Hands called on Mahrer, permitting Finlayson to take a free shot. Gruenfeld and Schoenfeld assayed a combination which came to naught. Fischer earned applause for halting a raid by Stark and Gillespie. Next Neufeld went down on the right for Hakoah and his cross was swiftly driven goalward by Wortman, Fraser, however, took care of it. Gillespie and Dick then conspired against Fischer. On the rebound Stark got possession and had an open goal, but missed.
Bethlehem obtained the first goal at [...] minutes, as a long drive from Finlayson was trapped by Jaap and conveyed to Dick, ever ready on the left wing. Dick personally conducted the ball into Hakoah's cage.
Jaap was fouled by Sternberg outside of the penalty area. Gillespie's free kick resulted in another corner for Bethlehem on the left. Next Dick got a free try and this was well taken by Fischer.
Fischer was also well tested by a hard drive from Gillespie. Gold and Drucker were allowed a free kick each. Next Carnihan drove past. Dick shot his second goal from a pass by Gillespie thirty-five minutes from the start.
Hands were twice called on Carnihan, after which Dick and Jaap kept Hakoah continually on the defensive. Jaap was here, there and everywhere. He wormed his way clean through and at last was rewarded with a clean drive. This went straight to Fischer. Neufeld and Schoenfeld staged a rally for the losers, but again Fraser was there to stop them.
In the second half Haeusler came in to relieve Neufeld and went to inside right, Gruenwald taking the pivotal position. The home team was subjected to continuous bombardment from the Bethlehem forwards and after twelve minutes the steelworkers had their first corner after the restart. Two more followed in rapid succession.
The fourth corner on the left led directly to Bethlehem's third goal after twenty minutes. Jaap forced his way through all opposition and penetrated Bethlehem's net. Shortly afterward Jaap was relieved, having done more than his share. Rollo took his place. After two more corners, both on right, Reid shot Bethlehem's fourth and last goal from a flag kick by Gillespie.
The lineup:
Bethlehem (4) -- Hakoah (0)
Fraser -- G -- Fischer
Finlayson -- RFB -- Gold
McGregor -- LFB -- Sternberg
Reid -- RHB -- Nickolsburger
Carnihan -- CHB -- Drucker
Pitt -- LHB -- Mahrer
Gillespie -- OR -- Neufeld
Jaap -- IR -- Gruenfeld
Stark -- CF -- Schoenfeld
Massie -- IL -- Wortmann
Dick -- OL -- Gruenwald
Goals: Dick 2, Jaap, Reid. Substitutions: Rollo for Jaap, Haeusler for Newfeld. Referee: E. J. Donaghy. Linesmen: T. Davidson and C. E. Creighton. Time of halves, 45 minutes.
Slopping and slushing on a mud covered field but nevertheless displaying a marvelous brand of soccer, Bethlehem mussed up the New York Giants here Saturday afternoon tot he tune of 9 to 2. The victory was the most impressive scored by the Steelmen this season and on the form displayed would without a doubt have conquered the most formidable eleven in the country.
Archie Stark, premier center forward, performed in a manner that would have inspired the envy of some of the crack European centers. Five times he sent the ball crashing into the rigging, sometimes by a deft touch of the head and others rifle drives caroming off his trusty boot. Stark could not be denied and once when flat on his back he barely reached the ball with his foot to give it the final touch to send it into the net.
But Stark's success was by no means accomplished on solo efforts. And neither were those of his mates who contributed to the high score. The forward line functioned in perfect unison and especially was the work of Alec Dick at outside left of scintillating character.
And while the forwards were performing their destructive work, the defense was equally as brilliant and devastating to the ambitious and highly touted Giant front liners. Moorehouse and Davie Brown scored for the Giants but their success was by no means accomplished through the cooperation of their coworkers. Both goals were notched on breakaways. Moorehouse [...] when Finlayson, who with McGregor prove a sturdy and effective pair of backs, miskicked and the Giant forward had no one to beat but Beveridge. Later Brown score in almost identically the same manner, out-racing McGregor to the ball and then advancing to close range from where he directed his shot.
To Stark goes the credit of performing the so-called hat trick, a feat regarded as phenomenal in major league soccer and really on a par with a Babe Ruth slamming out three home runs on as many consecutive trips to the plate. The first three goals of the game were accounted by Stark and by virtue of his high total for the day he advances dangerously close to the leading individual scorers.
Bethlehem was able and did adapt itself to the conditions while the Giants seemed to flounder hopelessly. Five goals, everyone of which was notched in the first half after twenty-five minutes of play was the margin by which Bethlehem was leading at half time. Especi9ally was the Steelmen's superiority pronounced in this half for hardly more than three times was Beveridge, the homester's goalie, called upon to handle and then on shots of the chance variety and lacking sting. One golden opportunity came the Giants way and that was passed up when late in the half Moorehouse, a deadly shot, erred badly on a chance to virtually walk the ball in the shot by with Beveridge the only player in his path or anywhere near him.
With the opening whistle Bethlehem was attacking and in the first minute the Giants gave a corner to relieve the pressure. Corner kicks came thick and fast but unfortunately for Bethlehem not any proved productive.
Finally, after twenty-five minutes Bethlehem's determined efforts were rewarded. Gillespie forced a corner and taking the kick placed perfectly to the goal mouth where Stark headed in. Almost an instant later, Johnny Jaap, celebrating his return after several weeks absence, gave a great display in eluding the defense and then slipped a neat pass to Dick. Brown made a great save on Dick's shot, knocking down the ball but before the latter could reach to clear Dick followed the shot and lofted to Stark near the goal mouth and again it was a header that counted.
Dick, playing a great game at wing forward, contributed to Stark's third goal, the latter converting a perfect pass with a rifle shot. Little time remained to be played but enough for Bethlehem to count two more. Jaap beat Brown to the ball on a pass from Stark and a short time later Stark again scored, meeting the rebound of Massie's hard drive.
After exchanging ends the Giants seemed to take on a new lease of life and for a time worried the Bethlehem defense no little. However, once the homesters were settled down Bethlehem again assumed the upper hand. Twelve minutes elapsed when Finlayson miskicked in attempting to clear and Moorehouse through netted a neat shot. Bethlehem then evened up matters when Brown came out to clear on Massie's center. Stark just tipped the ball and fell flat on his back but swung around in that position to meet it again and give enough impetus to roll it into the net.
On a breakaway in which he eluded McGregor, Davie Brown scored next but a short time later Jaap counted from scrimmage on Dick's corner. An instant later Dick's corner proved productive when Willie Reid headed in and just before the game ended Dick's persistent efforts were rewarded with a beautiful shot. The lineup:
New York Giants -- Bethlehem Steel
Jock Brown -- G -- Beveridge
John Brown -- RFB -- Finlayson
Glover -- LFB -- McGregor
Stone -- RHB -- Reid
Jogis -- CHB -- Carnihan
Hyslop -- LHB -- Pitt
Duggan -- OR -- Gillespie
Ballantyne -- IR -- Jaap
D. Brown -- CF -- Stark
O'Brien -- IL -- Massie
Moorehouse -- OL -- Dick
Goals: Stark, 5; Jaap, 2; W. Reid, Dick, Moorehouse, Brown. Referee -- Pat Howley. Linesmen -- Fred Pepper and William Forrest. Time of halves -- 45 minutes.