The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, December 31, 1923
Steel Team Eliminates New York F. C. in National Cup Tie
Brilliant Display of Soccer by Local Team in New York Yesterday

by Fred Nonnemacher
To Walter Jackson, the blond-topped center forward of the Bethlehem Steel soccer team, goes the bulk of the honors in the spoils of victory garnered on a heavy and treacherous soccer pitch in New York City yesterday afternoon when the Steel Workers eliminated the fighting New York F. C. before a crowd of 6,000 wildly cheer fans, in the National Cup competition and by virtue of the victory advanced to the semi-final round. The final score was 4 to 3.

Any question of superiority of the Bethlehem center forward over those assuming a like position on the American soccer field vanquished with the brilliant display of this individual was the minutes ticked off in a most sensational and spectacular ninety-minute battle. With the speed of a Zev and the accuracy of an expert marksman the Bethlehem star simply dazzled the New York coterie of adherents and before the end of hostilities the most staunch New York rooters were singing the praises of Walter Jackson and, in fact, the entire team.

But there were other stars in the game, none of which, however, stood out as prominently as the Bethlehem center. Bill Carnihan, who recently came back to the eleven after several weeks of indisposition because of injury, was a most material factor in the defensive bulwark of the Steel Workers. Carnihan was everywhere a forward movement was initiated by the New Yorkers and more than once assumed control of the ball and changed the tide from a threatening attitude by the visitors to an offensive charge by Bethlehem. "Jock" Ferguson likewise was far more brilliant in his display than on Christmas Day afternoon and in fact of each member of the team could be point out some brilliant achievement during the progress of the ninety-minutes of hostilities.

The game had the fans on edge from the very start to the finish. It was replete with thrills and spectacular and sensational soccer play and judging by the many aftermath soccer comments, coming from executives and critics, it will be recorded in the annals of soccer in New York City as the greatest display ever witnessed.

While Bethlehem monopolized the attacking during a greater portion of the game, it must be admitted that for about twenty minutes in the second half, continuing up to within five minutes more of play, the Bethlehem backs and goalie were given about the most strenuous session experienced in actual conflict this season. It seemed that after Bethlehem assumed a two goal lead, the visitors were imbued with a new lease of life, and attacked with a determination that it seemed must net goals. In fact, one was counted, but from then on the brilliant efforts of the New Yorkers were to no avail. So severe did become the pressure that more than once Bethlehem yielded a corner to momentarily halt the attack while on other occasions corners were conceded for no other reason than that they were forced. With every corner they came thick and fast in the latter part of the second half, hopes of the New York fans rose only to be dashed when the ball was safely cleared or kicked or headed out of harm's way.

The opening half was somewhat of a repetition of the game played on the Steel lot on Christmas day, in that brilliant opportunity to score in the first half went amiss by margins of less than inches. It seemed as though the Steel Workers were decreed to suffer the breaks of the game.

That the new Yorkers were dangerous at all times can be best attested by the vigorous pressure they employed when Bethlehem jumped into the lead. In the opening period the corners concede were three each but in the later half of the play the new York team lead with 10 to 2 and most of these ten were bunched within twenty minutes of play.

Within two minutes after the start Bethlehem had scored first blood. The ball traveled down the field with a well executed combination movement wherein Terris, Turner and A. Jackson, with W. Jackson for the center, shone repeatedly. Turner, jockeying the Capt. Kelly, succeeded in forcing a corner. Then followed a lively scrimmage during which Maxwell crashed the sphere into the net. With this early success, there was great jubilation among the Bethlehem rooters, of which there was a well noticeable quota.

The lead was short-lived for the visitors undaunted by this early success became more desperate and finally managed to start a movement down the field, the play being halted when the offside against W. Jackson allowed a free kick from the center of the field. Archie Stark got possession and advanced the ball closer to the net passed to Duggan who headed in[SECTION MISSING]

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club