Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, December 31, 1929
A Swing Along Athletic Row

And So In Soccer
New Year's Day games in the Atlantic Coast Soccer League might bring about a material change in the standing of clubs and in which Bethlehem may profit. Fall River, undefeated in 10 starts, having won seven and drawn three games, vacates home confines to invade the camp of New Bedford, the runner-up team, formidable but unable to boast of the excellent campaigning of the Marksmen. However, playing at home should mean plenty to the host and if New Bedford is able to turn the trick and emerge triumphant the title race is going to be mighty close. Bethlehem would profit if, of course, the Steelmen continue their sensational glide of the weekend and send the Hakoah All Stars back home with a defeat.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club