For the first time in the history of soccer football in this country the semi-final round of the National Cup tourney will be played at college Stadium. This event will take place in the Lehigh University Stadium, South Bethlehem, Pa., this afternoon, when Bethlehem meets Homestead, of Pittsburgh, Pa. The winner of this match will meet either the Brooklyn Celtics or the J. and P. Coates team in the final round probably on the Fall River Rover ground, at Fall River, Mass.
The Bethlehem eleven is considered one of the strongest ever playing together heretofore in this country. They lost the final match last year in the United States Cup tourney, but won the American Cup and the championship of the First Division of the Allied League. This year they have captured the title in the American League, but have been eliminated from the American Cup by Brooklyn Celtics.
Homestead, which is one of the leading teams in the West, is considered capable of holding the fast upstaters, but as Bethlehem will have the choice of grounds this will be to their advantage.
One of the peculiar features connected with this game is that it has created a most intense, but friendly rivalry between the Schwab and Carnegie steel corporations, the two teams being drawn exclusively from those large plants. It marks a new era in soccer in the United States, and means that henceforth the wealth as well as the middle classes will be patrons and followers of the sport.
The Bethlehem team is supported by President C. M. Schwab, who recently gave his men $50,000 for the promotion of athletics and sports. Both Mr. Corey and Mr. Schwab have promised to attend today’s game.