The Inquirer – Philadelphia
April 4, 1915

BETHLEHEM, Pa., April 3. – With a young blizzard raging and snow lying several inches thick on the playing pitch in Taylor stadium, and continuing to pile up, the semi-final round in the national challenge cup soccer competition, between Homestead and Bethlehem, was postponed this afternoon. Monday afternoon, next, was set as the time for playing the postponed match.

The decision to call the contest off was reached after Charles Creighton, of New York, the official referee and linesmen, Walter hinds and James Walders, of Philadelphia, had examined the field and found it impossible to keep the playing lines from becoming obliterated by the unusually heavy fall of snow. It was almost impossible for one player to see another more than half a dozen feet away, so blinding was the driven snow. Should the snow let up in the least the grounds will be cleared ready for Monday.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club