Upstaters Confident of Victory With Players in Great Shape Grounds in Good Condition
Unless there is another big snowstorm, the United States National Cup Tourney semi-final, between Bethlehem and the Homestead teams, will be played this afternoon in the Taylor Stadium, Lehigh University, at Bethlehem, Pa. Secretary Trend, of the Bethlehem team, announced last night that the grounds had been cleared of the recent snow and were in good playing shape, which insures the contest being played. The Homestead players were disappointed over the game having to be postponed on Saturday, but as they were the guests of the Bethlehem team yesterday, their unexpected stay was made worth while as they were shown the sights around Bethlehem and were also taken through Leghigh University and shown the inside workings at the college.
Bethlehem, which has only once tasted defeat this season, that at the Brooklyn Celtics, in the semi-final round of the American Cup, are confident that they will prove too clever for the Westerners and as all the players are in the best of shape, should they lose, there will not be any excuses to offer. Homestead will rely upon the same eleven which defeated Pullman F. C. of Chicago, Ill., 2 goals to 1, in the fourth round and according to the critics who have seen them play, some of their hardest matches this season, the Pittsburghers are a hard bunch to tackle and will make the Upstaters go every inch of the way even if they fail to trounce Bethlehem at the finish.
There is unusual interest in the outcome of this game in this city, due to Bethlehem practically being recognized as a local team on account of winning the American League championship, the league which is made up of local elevens. Quite a bunch of local fans will witness the game this afternoon and as the advance sale of tickets have exceeded anticipations, it is more than likely that a record crowd will be on hand. The winner of this match will meet either Brooklyn Celtic or J. & P. Coates of Pawtucket, R. I., in the final match, the winner of which will be the recognized champion of the United States.
The teams as announced last night by their respective managers, will line up this afternoon, in the following order:
Bethlehem. Positions. Homstead.
Duncan Goal -- Brown
Fletcher Right full-back -- Henney
Toole Left full-backc -- Howe
Campbell Right half-back -- Morrison
Clarke Center half-back -- Lumsden
Morrison Left half-back -- Leith
Ford Outside right -- Crawley
Murray Inside right -- Young
Miller Center forward -- Rattray
Pepper Inside left -- Lowther
Fleming Outside left Paterson
Referee Charles Creighton, Brooklyn, N. Y. Linesmen James Walders and W. F. Hinds, Philadelphia. United States Football Association Delegate William Palmer, Philadelphia.
The following is the complete record of the teams in the National Cups tourney record of Bethlehem.
First Round November 14, 1914, at Bethlehem, Pa., Bethlehem, 7, vs. Putnam F. C. of Philadelphia, 1.
Second Round December 12, 1914, at Bethlehem, Pa., Bethlehem, 16, vs. Peabody F. C. of Philadelphia, 0.
Third Round February 13, 1915, at Philadelphia. Bethlehem, 1, vs. Victor F. C. of Philadelphia, 0.
Fourth Round March 20, 1915, at Bethlehem, Pa. Bethlehem, 3, vs. Scottish-American F. C., of Kearney, N. J., 0.
Record of Homestead:
Qualifying Round October 17, 1914, at Homestead, Pa. Homestead 5, vs. Beadling F. C., of Beadling, Pa., 1.
First Round November 14, 1914, at Homestead. Homestead 2, vs. Castle Shannon F. C., of Castle Shannon, Pa., 1.
Second Round December 12, 1914, at Homestead. Homestead, 4, vs. Burns F. C., of Juniata, Pa., 1.
Third Round February 13, 1914, at Homestead. Homestead, 5, vs. Thistles F. C., of Cleveland, O., 0.
Fourth Round March 20 13, 1914, at Homestead. Homestead, 2, vs. Pullman F. C., of Chicago, Ill., 1.