Evidently Bristol, of the United League, does not want any of Shamrocks’ game, for they have refused the challenge to meet the Irishmen for the championship of North Philadelphia and Shamrocks are now the legitimate champ on that account.
Several of the critics have already selected Brooklyn Celtic to win the American cup when the final is played at Newark, N. J., Sunday, April 18. The Celts are also semi-finalists in the national cup, and should they win both cups they will set a record never before equaled in this country.
President Arthur Watson, of the Philadelphia League, intimates that he will have one of the strongest junior leagues in the country next season with the new teams that are already knocking at the door of the league for admission to the circuit.
The semi-monthly meeting of the Philadelphia League will be held on Thursday night at The Inquirer Building. It is more than likely that plans will be formulated at this meeting ready for next season.
It is reported that a couple of strong local amateur teams will make application to become members of the American League next season. Their names, however, for the present for certain reasons are withheld.
No matter which two teams are left in the final of the national cup, it is rumored that the final this year will again be staged down East, probably on the Fall River Rovers’ grounds.
Should Homestead eliminate Bethlehem from the national cup this afternoon, Secretary Trend and his players will be the most surprised bunch of soccerists in captivity tonight.
Putnams, who tackle the Hibernians this morning in an exhibition match, are bending their energies forward to hand the Irishmen the surprise of the season. Putnams are going strong this season, having already copped the bunting in the Allied League and have a splendid chance of annexing the Allied Cup before the close of the season.
Saturday was the first blank day for soccer football in t his city that has ever before occurred during the month of April. It is fortunate for the leagues that they have had good weather or their schedules might have been running well into May.
Although Falls did not get such a good start at the beginning of the season in the American League race the management announced last night that the team will most assuredly trounce the Victors this afternoon in the final game of the league series.
Solid gold medals will be presented to the champion Bethlehems in the near future emblematic of their prowess in copping the title in the American League. The runner up to Bethlehem will also receive silver medals with gold centers.
The Hibernian followers were disappointed when the elements on Saturday prevented the game from being played between the Hibs and Merchantville, at Third street and Lehigh avenue. They had banked on getting a line on the Cricket League champs with the great Gordon Bottomely in the lineup at center forward.
Then again, Dr. George Orion, who is about the oldest first class player in the city, was down to play center half-back. Here would have been another chance to have seen what Hindman, the young center forward of the Hibs, could have done against a veteran who is up to all the tricks of the game.
Donaghy, who played in the forward line for Bethlehem for the last two years and has since thrown in his lot with Homestead, will not be able to play this afternoon against his old teammates on account of having signed with the team in the cup series this season.
The Booster banquet to honor Feltonville in winning the championship of the United League promises to be the best ever held in this city from a soccer standpoint. The banquet will take place tomorrow night at the Philadelphia Schuetzen Verein, Schuetzen Park, Seventh and Tabor road.
John A. Frost, vice president of the Football Association of Eastern Pennsylvania and district, and Ernest M. Jones, the secretary of the United League, are among the invited guests at the banquet tomorrow night in honor of Feltonville winning the U. L. rag. Also all the officers of the united League will be on hand.