W. Luther Lewis, chairman of the Bethlehem soccer committee and of the United States Football Association and the Father of professional soccer in this country, made a speech. The visitors scored three times before the home team found itself and at half time Bethlehem led by 3-1. The visitors went farther ahead in the second period and then Brooklyn cut it down to 4-2. In the closing minutes Bethlehem shot the fifth goal.
Archie Stark, Bethlehems peerless center, monopolized the early scoring getting three goals in succession. Johnny Jaap accounted for the other two in the second period and Josef Eisenhoffer of Brooklyn tallied once in each half. The lineup:
Brooklyn Wanderers (2) Bethlehem (5)
Scullion G -- Frazer
Moore RFB -- Gibson
Grosz LFB -- McGregor
Brown RHB -- Massie
Maguire CHB H. Reid
Schiner LHB -- Pitt
Robertson OR -- Gillespie
Weiss IR -- Tollan
Nahadoma C -- Stark
Devlin IL -- Jaap
Eisenhoffer OL -- Dick
Referee: E. C. Craigman. Linesmen E. C. Crabb and Currier. Goals: Stark (3) Jaap (2) Bethlehem. Eisenhoffer (2) Brooklyn Wanderers. Substitutions: Lazio for Moore, Innocenti for Lazio, Lazio for Devlin. Time of halves, 45 minutes.