HARRISON, N. J., March 28 - The champion Bethlehem Steel soccer team earned the right to figure in the final tie for the American cup for the first time in their career, by decisively defeating the Erie A. A., by 5 to 1 in the semi-final at the Federal League Park before 5,000 people.
The steel workers played their new man, Collier, at right back, who gave a fine show of brilliant tackling and wonderful clearances. Both sides attacked in turn and play was very even until 10 minutes from half time when a penalty was given against Post for handling. Fleming was entrusted with the kick and he made no mistake with a fast shot. This reverse stung the Erie boys badly and before they could recover from the shock Fleming put his side two more goals ahead with fine single-handed efforts, half time arriving with the score 3 to 0 in Bethlehem's favor. Upon resuming Erie put on severe pressure to reduce the lead and were soon rewarded by Archie Stark finding the net with an unstoppable shot after five minutes' play. Encouraged by their success they bore down upon Duncan, but Collier came to the rescue time after time and staved off the onslaught. The Bethlehem halfbacks got together and with some fine play worked the ball down the field. Murray picked up a fine pas from Campbell and notched the fourth goal. Just before the whistle blew McKelvey put on the fifth with a brilliant shot. The lineup:
Bethlehem Steel -- Pos. - Erie
Duncan -- G -- Strong
Collier -- R. B. -- Post
Ferguson -- L. B. -- Ingram
Murray -- R. H. B. -- Ford
Campbell -- C. H. B. -- Roger
Morrison -- L. H. B. -- Holt
McKelvey -- O. R. -- Knowles
Sturch -- I. R. -- A. Stark
Harris -- C. -- Koelsch
Forrest -- I. L. -- T. Stark
Fleming -- O. L. -- Brierly
Referee, George Young, Philadelphia. Linesmen - Messrs. Rowley and Dunn. Goals, for Bethlehem -- Fleming, 3; Murray and McKelvey; for Erie -- A. Stark. Time of halves 45 minute.