The American League of Soccer Clubs will this season consist of only six teams -- the champion Bethlehem, Hibernians, Disston, Boys' Club, Rangers and Victor Talking Machine Company eleven, of Camden. The season will begin Saturday, October 16, and conclude Saturday, February 12, 1916. A two-game schedule will be played. After the competition is ended the league will conduct a cup tournament on the lose and out plan.
Disston, under the management of Hughie Williamson, announce having signed Harry Pearce, former goalkeeper of the Victors; Harry Spaulding, from the same team, and several others, and expect to place on the field quite as strong a team as they did some four years ago, when they won the American Cup. The Hibernians, with all of last year's players available, together with the addition of Willie Gallagher and "Scotty" Wilson, formerly of the Victors, are already eager to lower the colors of the Bethlehem team, as manager Johnny Geoghegan is of the opinion that with his present list of players he will be able to give the strongest teams a hard tussle for the pints. All the players signed by the Hibs this year are youngsters, with just enough experience together with their speed, to [sic]
The officers of the American League this season are: President, Levi Wilcox, vice president, James Spence; secretary, Fred Blentzle, No. 5920 Rising Sun lane, and treasurer, James McPete.
The following is the official schedule of all games to be played on the grounds of the first named clubs:
October 16 -- Rangers vs. Hibernians, Bethlehem vs. Boys' Club, Disston vs. Victor T. M.
October 23 -- Victor T.M. vs. Bethlehem, Hibernians vs. Disston, Boys' Club vs. Rangers.
November 6 -- Bethlehem vs. Hibernians, Boys' Club vs. Victor T. M., Disstons vs. Rangers.
November 13 -- Open for cup games.
November 20 -- Hibernians vs. Boys' Club, Rangers vs. Victor T. M., Disstons vs. Bethlehem.
November 27 -- Open for cup games.
December 4 -- Victor T.M. vs. Hibernians, Boy's Club vs. Disstons, Bethlehem vs. Rangers. End of the first half of the schedule.
December 11 -- Open for cup games.
December 18 -- Open for benefit games for Eastern Pennsylvania and district.
December 25 -- Open for benefit game, American League.
January 8 -- Hibs vs. Rangers; Boys' Club vs. Bethlehem, Victor T. M. vs. Disston.
January 15 -- Bethlehem vs. Victor T. M., Disston vs. Hibernians, Rangers vs. Boys' Club.
January 22 -- Hibs vs. Bethlehem, Victor T. M. vs. Boys' Club, Rangers vs. Disston.
January 29 -- Open for cup games.
February 5 -- Boys' Club vs. Hibernians, Victor T. M. vs. Rangers, Bethlehem vs. Disstons.
February 12 -- Hibs vs. Victor T. M., Disstons vs. Boys' Club, Rangers vs. Bethlehem.
February 19 and 26 -- Open for postponed league games and all of March open for local cup games.