Newark, N. J., Oct. 21. -- Unless somebody backs down a war in soccer football circles is bound to come. Warning has been sounded by the United States Football Association, the supreme body of the game in this country, which is made up of representative associations in practically every state in the Union, to the West Hudson soccer football club, of Harrison, N. J. and the New Jersey State Football Association.
Secretary Thomas Cahill of the U. S. F. A. has notified the Harrison club that it has neglected to register its professional players with the supreme body, the team is not legally entitled to the services of any player now on the roll, and all of the players of the West Hudson team are ineligible to take part in any contest under the auspices of the U. S. F. A or any of its affiliated bodies. All clubs have been warned not to play games with the West Hudsons until the players are registered as required.
It is said that the West Hudson club has lost all claim to Thomas Miller, full back, who has jumped to the Bethlehem club.
Talk is rife in soccer circles and those who claim to know say war is inevitable. Just what action will be taken by the West Hudson club remains to be seen. The players were registered with the U. S. F. A. last season.