PHILADELPHIA, Pa., January 24 -- It has been announced by Manager H. E. Lewis, of the Bethlehem Steel Company soccer teams that the Bethlehem team would not participate in any of the local Associations football league series next season. Bethlehem has in the last two years been too strong for the American League teams, in which race they won the cup and medals last year. They also won the National Cup, emblematic of the championship of this country. Bethlehem has enrolled in its ranks many of the best players in this vicinity, and, although many well-contested games have been staged in the local series, Bethlehem usually won out . Their only reverse this season was by Disston A. A., present leaders of the American League, in the local league series. Disston also held them to a tie score in the second round of the National Cup matches, but on the replay Bethlehem won, 3 to 0. Last year Bethlehem lost to Brooklyn Celtic, 1 to 0, in one of the American Cup semi-finals. They beat Celtic in the National Cup final. Lewis said it costs Bethlehem $60 to come to this city for matches in the American League, and in several instances they have found little financial return for playing the game. Twice this year, American League games between the Hibernians and Bethlehem have been called off at Bethlehem and in this city, and they have yet to play the local championships. Bethlehem expects to play Clan MacDonald, of Brooklyn, in the second round of the American Cup series next Saturday. The Disston A. A. and Fall River Rover game in the same cup series may also be played at Tacony next Saturday. Bethlehem, by defeating the Hibernians in the National Cup game, qualified for the fourth round. The draw will be made February 13, at New York.