BETLHEHEM, Pa., February 5 -- The new athletic field of the Bethlehem Steel Company will be put to actual use earlier than anticipated because of the fact that East End Field, in temporary use, has been sold to a syndicate for home-building purpose, and will not be available after March 1. This will mean that after that date the national soccer champions will take to their own field. Accordingly the Athletic Committee of the Steel Company, of which 17,000 workmen are automatically members, is hurrying up plans for the erection of a grandstand and bleachers, and for a high fence to surround the field, the immensity of which can be discerned when it is known that it will contain a quarter mile race track and occupies enough ground to cover several city blocks. The borough of Bethlehem abandoned by ordinance no less than half a dozen streets in order to make possible this finest of athletic playgrounds in this part of the state. The plan being considered will call for a modern clubhouse also, but the more necessary things are to be rushed to completion at once. The grandstand will be 110 feet in length and will hold over 1,000 persons; the bleachers will hold several hundred more. Inside the field a quarter mile running trace will be laid out, and also a base ball diamond. The soccer field is already plotted, but has not been used for the reason that the steel authorities wanted the graded land to settle thoroughly and the heavy sod planted more than a year ago to get thoroughly rooted. This has been done, and today there is no finer soccer playing pitch in the United States than right here in Bethlehem.