The Globe-Times – Bethlehem
Friday, May 25, 1928
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Amateur vs. Professional
From a novelty standpoint the visit of the Glasgow Rangers to Philadelphia will be quite attractive. From a standpoint of playing merit it will be pitting a Goliath against a midget. The smooth working Glasgow combination, one of the best in the world, will meet a selected nine picked in Philadelphia. Soccer fans can draw their own conclusion as to the outcome of the game. It's a shame that some strong representative club, not necessarily Bethlehem, which was originally scheduled to meet the Rangers, but any of the more formidable clubs in the American Soccer League. If ever there was a set-up, the little program arranged by Nat Agar, of the Brooklyn Wanderers, to take the place in Philadelphia on Memorial Day, has all the earmarks of such a fiasco. Shrewd Nat is saving the crème until the Rangers meet his second division Wanderers in Brooklyn on the afternoon of June 2. P. T. said a mouthful.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club