The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, January 1, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Believe They Could Beat the Bethlehem F. C.
A number of players of the North Ends and Wanderers were spectators at the game on the Steel Field on Saturday afternoon and at the conclusion of the contest, one of the enthusiastic players identified with the local club ventured an opinion that the pick of these two minor aggregations could give the big Bethlehem F. C. all the battle they were looking for. Went even as far as to say that he confidently believed that in an exhibition game he believed that the youngsters, all native born and developed on the sandlots in this city, would be able to emerge victorious. It might be a good idea to give these youngsters a chance and arrange for an exhibition game when Bethlehem has an off Saturday on their schedule. Even should the Bethlehem's prove far superior the game would be an attractive feature and would give the management of the big club an opportunity to look over the home developed talent. In expressing his belief that the home club could give the big team all the battle they were looking for, the player in question referred tot he Fleisher Yarn team of Philadelphia, a team which eliminated Bethlehem in the American Cup competition this year and recalled the stiff battle the year previous when a local team journeyed to Philadelphia and met Fleisher Yarn, then a member of the Allied League, and presented practically the same lineup as this season. The game surely might be worth a trial.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club