That the management of the Bethlehem F. C. is leaving nothing undone in hopes of bolstering up the local soccer team to the strength of the former championship elevens, becomes apparent with the announcement that another new player was added to the personnel and will make his initial debut in a Bethlehem uniform against J & P Coats in an American League game here on Saturday afternoon.
The player, William Carnihan, came to Bethlehem unsolicited and his acquisition at this time when the league honors hang in the balance is most welcome. Carnihan has been in the States but a few weeks, having come here from Scotland, but is eligible to play in the American League game on Saturday. Furthermore, the management, after seeing him in action was that much impressed with his work that they have decided to start him at center half back instead of Raeside.
A visit to the States was planned by Carnihan following the return to Scotland of the Third Lanark team after its tour of the country. The player is a personal friend of McHenemy, the brilliant captain of the team that invaded these shores. When he made his intentions known, the Third Lanark captain persuaded him to come to Bethlehem, apparently impressed with the reception accorded the visitors here. As a result Carnihan is in Bethlehem, signed with the local team and comes here well recommended.