The Globe – Bethlehem
Friday, January 7, 1921
A Swing Along Athletic Row

"Not Slipping," Says Billy Sheridan
"It is true that we are eliminated from the American and National Cup classics, but fans overlook the fact that the Steel Workers defeated the same two teams that eliminated us in the cup contests, in National League games," went the words uttered by Billy Sheridan, manager of the outfit, in referring to the Robins-Bethlehem Steel game played on the home lot on Saturday afternoon. Billy takes exception to the opinion prevailing since that game that a number of the players are slipping and have overplayed their usefulness in the fast set. He, however, makes no alibi for the defeat and of the two teams, readily agrees that the Robins were the better on the field last Saturday. To prove that he is not wrong in his contention that the players are not slipping, he is anxiously looking forward to the coming meetings with Robins and the Erie F. C. Both these teams will have to come to Bethlehem for a National League game and Sheridan feels that if the locals are successful in these two battles it will just about mean the league pennant for the local clan and at the same time alter the opinion relative to the merits of the three teams. It is only natural that the players are somewhat down-hearted, for elimination in cup contests is something not often experienced by the team. However, they are gradually shaking off this feeling and expect to continue the campaigning with a victory over Babcock & Wilcox in a National League tilt here on Saturday and then go right through the remainder of the schedule without a defeat.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club