The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, January 8, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

What With a Goal Scoring Forward?
That the Bethlehem F. C. is woefully lacking when it comes to scoring goals was again illustrated on Saturday afternoon when almost continuously throughout the game with J & P Coats the play was centered in the visitors' territory but in spite of this advantage the only goal score came as a result of a penalty. With a Brittan, a Ratican in his prime, or any other goal scoring forward Bethlehem would probably have profited by no less than three or four more points. Bethlehem's forwards are clever performers in midfield and play pretty soccer, but after all its' goals that count and there is where they seem to lack finish. Probably the weakest cog in the forward line on Saturday was the playing of Grainger who several times was afforded the opportunity to crash the ball into the net, but only once did his shot threaten. In open field he plays pretty soccer but seems to lack confidence in driving for the net. Records of the games played show that Bethlehem's defense lacked in the weakness of the forwards for the goals scored by the individuals are decidedly few and a team to win must score. These may seem rather harsh words but nevertheless it is true. However, in justice to the management one must not overlook the fact that the Bethlehems are campaigning with an entirely new makeup and practically in an experimental stage which when perfected promises to give the home town fans another team of championship caliber.

Carnihan a Find
Scouting is not the easiest job in the world and quite often a new acquisition to a club, coming well recommended, proves a flivver. While this rule applies in some cases there are some exceptions and Bethlehem was favored with one of these exceptions when William Carnihan, a recent arrival in this country, was signed to a Bethlehem contract. Judging by his display of soccer in his first game on American soil, Bethlehem gets the medal for brining out what promises to be the find of the season. Playing center halfback for the home aggregation on Saturday afternoon, Carnihan gave one of the prettiest displays of soccer ever witnessed of a player on the local field in that position and firmly established in the minds of the devotees of this recreation that he has a thorough knowledge of the game. Carnihan's playing, in fact, was much better than could have been expected and promises to improve when once more familiar with the style of play of his teammates. It is understood that the newcomer's first appearance with the Bethlehems was a practice on Friday afternoon. In the game the following day he played with the confidence and accuracy of a player that had been with the clan for a season or more.

Still the Same Old Jock
Cool and deliberate in his style, effective when danger threatened, Jock Ferguson, one of the bulwarks of the Bethlehem defense who is playing his first season with Coats, thoroughly demonstrated that he has lost none of his effectiveness and is still the same old Jock of the winning Bethlehem teams. With Stevenson, this pair made a formidable duo of backs. There was another Ferguson on the field, David by name, a younger brother of Jock, who competed for the honors and probably played one of the best games of his career. There are many fans who witnessed the game who will say that Davey was the best back on the field Saturday. With Jock and Davey in the same lineup, together with Carnihan and the remainder of the backs, the management would need worry no further in strengthening that department. Ferguson when in Bethlehem was a very popular player and his return would no doubt be welcome.

And What About Fleming
Fans who journeyed to the Steel Field on Saturday afternoon to compare merit between Whitey Fleming, former Bethlehem wingman, and Goldie, the present forward who succeeded the white topped one, were rather disappointed for field conditions prevented the spectators from seeing these two players at their best. Speed and cleverness is their strongest asset which was made impossible by the slimy and slippery footing. One thing Fleming did demonstrate and that is that he just about as dangerous a forward when favored with an opportunity as there is one in the game. Whitey appears to possess a distaste for mixing things and seems satisfied to bide his time waiting for an opening to score. It was Whitey who registered Coats' lone point. It was after 20 minutes of play and really the first breakaway for the visitors when the opportunity presented itself and Fleming was a flash in taking advantage, crashing the ball into the net with Kerr having no chance to save.

Spectators Many, but Few
To say that spectators were many but few seems somewhat conflicting but nevertheless that is just exactly what the turnstile revealed. The attendance was a big improvement over the previous games here this season but decidedly few in view of the interest and intense rivalry existing between these two clans. However, when the register went high above the usual small army of cash customers it surely must have been gratifying to the sponsors of the game in this city. The crowd was very enthusiastic another gratifying feature and one which augers well for the future. To know that Bethlehem is not supreme in the sport adds the element of keen competition, something that all sportsmen enjoy. Interest seems to be on the increase and attendance should gradually boost.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club