Not Guilty, but Pay the Costs
Whatever hopes the Erie F. C. had of remaining in the National Cup competition pending the result of the protest they entered against the Robins Dry Docks eleven who won the fourth round tie two weeks ago by the score of 5 goals to 3, were shattered at a special meeting of the National Challenge Cup Committee of the United States Football Association held on Saturday night, when the protest was ignored. The Eries' protest was relative to the encroachment by spectators on the field of play which the committee ruled did not warrant a replay of the game. While it was established that spectators did crowd on the field, the committee apparently sought to pacify the minds of the complainants by imposing a fine of $100 on the Robins' management for not complying with the instructions of the committee in not providing enough police to handle the large crowd. The Robins will now play the Fore River team in the fifth round at Quincy, Mass., or before Feb. 27.
Millar and Clark Came to Blows
Apparent the friendship that is usually prevalent among stable mates no longer exists between Neil Clark and Bob Millar, both former players with Bethlehem Steel and later with Robins Dry Docks, Millar last season quitting the latter clan to join forces with the J & P Coats eleven of Pawtucket, R. I. This was revealed when other matters were brought up before the National Cup committee at its special meeting on Saturday night and Millar was suspended for two months for striking Clark. The fracas for which sentence was imposed occurred during the interval of the Robins-Erie game when Millar took a swing at the Robins' center halfback. This conduct somewhat indicates that despite the success of the Robins' campaigning last season, dissention exists among the players, Millar finally leaving or being forced to leave, and the blow he is alleged to have struck was in giving vent to his feelings against his former teammate.
Ratican Still on the Shelf
When Ratican failed to appear at his center forward position in the game against the Bethlehem Steel Workers here on Saturday, Jan. 1, the more skeptical devotees somewhat discounted the story that Harry was on the injured list. However, it was plainly evident that the former popular Bethlehem player was in no condition to play, to those who visited in the Robins' dressing rooms prior to the game and witnessed trainers and masseurs working on Ratican's leg for more than half an hour prior to starting. The injury is no doubt more serious than was at first believed or the Robins are holding him in reserve for the more important cup games, the first of which will be against Fore River in the fifth round National Cup classic. Against the Disston F. C. in a National League game at Brooklyn yesterday afternoon, Ratican was again among the missing. Before leaving here he stated that while the injury was not very serious and probably would have permitted him to play here, he did not want to irate the member and would take a good, long rest before again taking an active part in games.