The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, January 15, 1920
A Swing Along Athletic Row
The Morse Dry Dock F. C., the only team thus far this season able to check the winning stride of the Robins Dry Dock, by virtue of their victory on Sunday now occupy a high place in the hall of soccerdom. And the Morse train journeys to this city on Saturday to add another niche to their fame in hopes of defeating Bethlehem, champions in all three competitions last year which although defeated twice in a league game this year, has kept its slate untarnished in the cup competitions, the classic events of the country. Local fans would probably have welcomed the Robins more cordially than Morse, this due to the fact that several former Bethlehem players are included in the shipbuilders' lineup. That feeling was, however, before Morse did the unexpected and now since they have uprooted the strong hold of the Robins, the fans will turn out to see the team that was able to turn the trick when they combat Bethlehem on Saturday afternoon. Before the Morse team registered the victory, "Billy" Sheridan, guiding pilot of the local clan, expressed himself as considering Morse even more dangerous than the Robins and picked them to win in the game last Sunday. No matter which team grabs the laurels on Saturday afternoon, the winner is going to know that he was in a battle.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club