Courtesies and apologies were forgotten and "I beg your pardon, I'm sorry, sir" were in the discard on Saturday afternoon when Greek met Greek on the Bethlehem Steel field. The Greek vs. Greek were the clans of the Bethlehem F. C. and the Paterson F. C., gathered in this city to settle an American Soccer League dispute, which argument was won by Bethlehem by a count of two goals to one.
Regardless of the rivalry engendered between other opponents to appear on the Bethlehem Steel field this season, opponents where feeling was stimulated by the alleged luring away of former Steel City stars, no other contest was bitter fought as the clash between the Jerseys Silk Sockers and the Steel Workers.
From the opening whistle until Referee Young finally decided to call quits after ninety minutes of the most hostile hostilities, the going was fast and somewhat bordering on the rough with Bethlehem coming through to a most coveted victory. There were certain individuals in the lineup who were given probably more attention than others and these individuals both happened to be forwards of the respective clans.
For the visitors it was McGuire that wily and dangerous inside left who, although assigned to the one position, roves extensively, around the field and is a continual source of trouble. Together with McGuire was McKenna a likewise dangerous forward whose speed was somewhat curtailed after a rather severe collision in the opening half of play. Both these players found it extremely difficult to shake off Bethlehem's defending backs, Carnihan in particular, whose superb knowledge of the game proved a setback to the aspirations of both Paterson forwards. McGuire, it is believed, was originally slated to join forces with Bethlehem, but on the slow down decided that Paterson would be a more healthier clime anyway, the former Robin Dry Dock star went to Paterson instead of coming to Bethlehem.
Then for Bethlehem it was Goldie the speedy and dangerous forward who assumed the berth made vacant by Whitey Fleming and undertook the burden so efficiently that the absence of Whitey was hardly felt. Ryer, conceded one of the best halfbacks in the game, played particular attention to this Goldie individual, but found it in setting a pace with the speeding Bethlehem outsider.
The game was scarcely a minute old before Paterson, favored by the advantage of the sun and wind, negotiated a movement into Bethlehem territory that came near spelling disaster. Bethlehem had scarcely settled down to playing when McKenna, a dangerous visiting forward, taking advantage of an opportunity, shot the goal, the ball barely missing the mark in grazing the upright. From then on Paterson did the most attacking with Bethlehem's movements in Paterson territory only spasmodic. Bethlehem seemed unable to get [...] and frequent collisions between the players indicated an apparent misunderstanding, Paterson forcing several corners in the opening half but fortunately for Bethlehem was unable to penetrate the citadel. The result was that the half ended a scoreless tie.
It took a one goal lead to wake up the home contingent and after Paterson assumed this advantage in the opening minute of the restart, Bethlehem threw into high and carried this pace throughout the session with Paterson assuming desperate defensive tactics to thwart their efforts. Starting a movement similar to the one which marked the opening of the game, Paterson realized a goal before the spectators had hardly settled for the final session. It came immediately after the kickoff, when Paterson started down the field, the ball sailing to McKenna for a final parting [...] of driving it with terrific force. It seemed as through McKenna [...] tapped the sphere. Kerr came in to clear and when he did the ball bounded over his head, glancing off the cross bar and landed into the net.
Both Paterson goals materialized from some clever football, one showing McNiven at his best when he ended and beat out three Paterson players. The equalizer came about [...] minutes after Paterson had scored, Goldie centered perfectly. McNiven in the midst of a rival trip trapping the ball, and then with accurate aim shot one close to the ground that seemed to go right through the goalie. Bethlehem did not slow down but again on equal footing with the visitors seemed to press with even greater determination and this brilliant flash brought victory. The visiting forces seemed demoralized and it was not long after McNiven's score that Campbell booted in the winning goal. Renzulli was tricked into coming out and with the goal unprotected for the instant Campbell seized advantage of the opportunity and the tally counted. In the closing minutes of play Renzulli made a pretty save on a shot from Granger. The lineup:
Bethlehem -- Paterson
Kerr -- G -- Renzulli
Young -- RFB -- Reynolds
Ferguson -- LFB -- Whitehead
McFarlane -- RHB -- Scott
Carnihan -- CHB -- Fryer
Cox -- LHB -- Kirkpatrick
Campbell -- OR -- Duggan
Rattray -- IR -- Cairney
McNiven -- CF -- McKenna
Grainger -- IL -- McGuire
Goldie -- OL -- Sweeney
Goals -- McKenna, McNiven, Campbell. Referee -- George Young, Philadelphia. Linesmen -- Williams and Carpenter. Time of halves -- 45 minutes.