The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, January 16, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Introducing Fall River Soccer Clan
In soccer this city has had Paterson F. C., J & P Coats of Pawtucket, R. I., and other keen rivals of the Bethlehem clan to display their wares on the Steel Field, but Saturday will introduce probably the most formidable crew of the entire season when Harold F. Brittan & Co., comprising the Fall River, Mass., personnel make their first invasion of this city. This announcement should be re3ceived with more than usual significance and should tend to attract even the lukewarm sportsman who is looking for a spirited competition. Fall River, by the way, comes to Bethlehem, as probably the most formidable team in the East and one that threatens to cop the bunting in the American Soccer League, a circuit in which the New Englanders are at present leading. Bethlehem is runner up and a victory over the visitors on Saturday would place the steel makers at the top.

Why Rivalry is Especially Keen
Rivalry it was believed had reached feverish heat in the clash against Paterson F. C., on Saturday but there are several reasons why the Fall River game should be even more bitterly campaigned. First of all was the wholesale invasion of formerly Bethlehem celebrities to Fall River to secure berths on that team. Second because Fall River is heading the league, an honor that the Philadelphia F. C. -- the Bethlehem team transferred to the Quaker City -- experienced during the first year of campaigning in the newly organized American League. Former Bethlehemites who will appear in the Fall River lineup are Harold Brittan, Pepper, Millar, Collier and Whalen.

Came Here to Look Things Over
A visitor in Bethlehem on Saturday and a very much interested spectator at the Bethlehem-Paterson soccer game was Thomas W. Cahill, honored as being the daddy of the wonderful expansion and development of soccer in this country. Thomas, by the way, is the honorary secretary of the United States Football Association and likewise holds down the secretaryship of the American Soccer League with headquarters in New York City. "Nothing particular, merely a little jaunt to Bethlehem to visit my many friends," chirped Cahill while watching the game. Apparently by his attitude, Tom seemed to be somewhat peeved at the small attendance and in referring to the crowd, "I surely would expect fans to turn out in greater numbers in appreciation of the efforts of the persons who foster soccer here, giving the city one of the best soccer teams in the country."

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club