The Globe – Bethlehem
Wednesday, January 26, 1921

Disston F. C., of Tacony, will play Bethlehem Steel at Bethlehem Steel field on Saturday, in a National League game and the Sawmakers are expected to present their strongest team of the season. Several University of Pennsylvania stars have been signed up by the Disston management and their inclusion should add strength to the visitors. The Steel Workers will present a strong team against them and no unnecessary risk will be taken in the race for the pennant. New York F. C. is only two points behind the locals to date so that a slip by Bethlehem on Saturday night prove disastrous when the final tabulation is made.

New York furnished the surprise of the year last Sunday when it gave the strong Erie A. A. the worst trimming it had this season. The final score was four goals to none and the Eries were completely outclassed from the start.

Fred Pepper, the former Bethlehem Steel forward, is captain of the Tebo Yacht Club soccer team and they are still strong contenders for the National Cup. They also lead the New York State League. Pepper's aggressiveness has been an important factor in their good showing.

The Robins vs. Bethlehem score for the season now stands at two games to one, in favor of the Steel Workers. Both league games were won by Bethlehem and the Dockers were victorious in the American Cup.

The Eries and Bethlehem have both won a game against one another this season. Bethlehem defeated the Eries in the league at Clark's Field, Newark, and the Eries won at Harrison Field, Harrison, N. J., in the National Cup. The Eries must visit Bethlehem in a league game and the Steel Workers are determined to make the score for the season the same as that with the Robins.

There will probably be two changes in the Bethlehem lineup on Saturday for the Disston game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club