Soccer the Big Home Attraction
The sporting included will have to appease their appetites tomorrow with soccer. There are any number of these games, but in consulting the various collegiate and scholastic schedules it is noted that while campaigning in other branches of sport will be carried on extensively, the majority of the games will be staged on strange floors. Featuring the soccer contests will be the Disston-Bethlehem Steel National League game on the Bethlehem Steel athletic field. By virtue of the recent stride of the Steel Workers, there is little doubt that the Sheridan clan will be returned the victor, but then the Disston eleven in the last several years was always a "jinx" for Bethlehem and usually staged the best game against the Steel Workers. This will be the second last league contest schedule in Bethlehem, the Erie A. A. being slated to close the season. However, Bethlehem has two more games, one with New York F. C. and the Feds, both to be played away from home. The other soccer attraction will be presented by teams in the Bethlehem & District League.