The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, January 29, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

That South American Trip
A bombshell was thrown into the camp of the Bethlehem F. C. soccer plan on Saturday when it became noised about that the gang of newly organized soccer celebrities was given an invitation to invade South America and display its prowess in and around Buenos Aires. Tongues began to wag confidentially among the players with sentiment unanimous in favor of the proposed tour. It was several years ago that a trip to South America came that close to being an assured fact that the players and the rest of the troupe were all comfortably settled on board whip when someone flashed the S. O. S. It was a tough break when bag and baggage were again unloaded and the outfit was immediately transported back to Bethlehem. It is understood that the trip was called off due to a supposed conflict arising by the same dates set aside for the festivities. The destination for the journey was Rio de Jeneiro. From some one formerly close to the activities of the Bethlehem soccer team, or to b e more explicit, the power behind the throne in financing the big things, it is learned the invitation is being considered with the understanding that there is little possibility of it going through. Bethlehem is eliminated in both the American and National cups and has yet a long road to travel to grab the American League honors. Therefore it is quite modestly considering that the logical team would be the winner of the National classic and it is quite likely that it will be left to Thomas W. Cahill, honorary secretary of the U. S. F. A. and active secretary of the American League, to make effort to honor the invitation. There is little doubt that with the team Bethlehem has now mustered together that had the management been favored with a little more time before the opening of the season Bethlehem would again have displayed the American, National and the American League cups in their trophy case.

In the Event of no More Snow
IF weather permits and there is no more snow during the interim between now and next Saturday there will be a soccer game on the Steel field. That is the advice telephoned from the big athletic plant in the North section of the city. There is plenty of snow now but by hard labor, all of which was lost last week, the Bethlehem F. C. management expects that by staring the shovel gang today, the playing pitch will be cleared for Saturday and soccer fans are hoping that the shovelers will be successful for the entertainment provides one of the biggest attractions of the season. Of course this has been said of practically every team to appear here this season but fans can draw their own conclusion in regards to the battle on Saturday. The opponent to face the Bethlehem clan is no other than the New York F. C. Bethlehem slammed the Gotham booters in their first meeting, a league game, winning 1 goal to none. But New York went one better and a heff one at that when they eliminated Bethlehem in the National Cup campaigning by the score of 4 goals to 1. Who would feel very friendly to a clan that tossed them out of the National classic?

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club