The Globe – Bethlehem
Tuesday, February 8, 1921
Philadelphia Promoters Anxious to Place a Strong Team There -- Would Help Game

Nothing would apparently please Philadelphia promoters more than to place a soccer team of the caliber of the Bethlehem Steel aggregation in that city. A move to accomplish this is on foot and it is understood that the magnates in charge are looking toward a number of Bethlehem players with longing eyes.

It was only recently that one scribe in that city ventured forth with a story in which it was stated that favorable negotiations were opened with the local club management for the transfer of the Bethlehem team to that city and then went into rosy details coloring the aspect of what could be attained if the plans materialized.

This announcement, however, brought forth an emphatic denial from the local representative who made it understood that such a move had not been thought of and furthermore that such a transfer was nothing more than a wild dream.

This denial, however, has not dampened the ardor of the Philadelphia promoters who are now proposing, or rather intimating, loaning some of the crack reserve players identified with the Bethlehem club. Quite a few of these are on the local staff and would form an excellent nucleus for the organization of a strong team.

While it is known that such a plan has not even been considered here, it is believed that local devotees would favor a strong team to represent Philadelphia and in the interest of the development of soccer would lend valuable assistance in such a movement. It is also believed that the local representatives would favor the organization of a league of strong clubs to include Philadelphia, Robins, Erie, New York, Fore River, Pawtucket and probably one or two other cities.

Should Bethlehem sign any new players for next season it will greatly increase the list of reserves and it is felt here that since these players are still able to carry the pace with the best, it would hardly be fair to keep them inactive on the sidelines. Taking this view, it would then be more than likely that they would be transferred to the Philadelphia club, if the plans materialize.

That such is the attitude of the local management, as indicated early in the present season when one of the players, conceded to rank with the best backs in the country was released to indulge in active competition elsewhere. This individual was Dick Spaulding, who, although considered good, had little chance of ousting the Bethlehem representative for the position he was best fitted. He was released to join the Eries where he has since been playing great ball.

The organization of a league of strong teams would undoubtedly be a strong incentive in boosting the sport and would also stimulate greater interest in the games. In the present league the superiority of one or two teams has been so great that interest in the contest therefore lacked. However, if clubs were organized of more equal caliber, it would inspire greater rivalry and naturally add to the ranks of soccer enthusiasts. The suggestion is made that if Philadelphia is represented by a strong club next season and the league proposition goes through, the games in that city be played on one of the Philadelphia major ball club parks. It is also hinted that other clubs could utilize the playgrounds of the big league ball clubs.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club