A "Hard-Boiled" Communication
Communications reaching this office unsigned seldom are given space unless the party or parties submitting their views are willing to stand up in back of their arguments by signing their names. However, one reached here this morning, signed "Yours in Fair Play," whoever that may be, in which he apparently takes keen delight in taking a ride out of the Bethlehem Steel Soccer team and belittles the brand of soccer played in this country as being nothing more than first class junior. Soccer in this country is still in its infancy and has never boasted of being superior to that in the old countries where the sport has been a national pastime since way back before 1870, when international teams competed. The write apparently takes delight in riding Harold Brittan, the Bethlehem center forward, referring to the rumored offer of $10,000 for his return as a dream, claiming he was never classed as an A-1 professional player in England, Ireland or Scotland, but is willing to admit that he is a good, first class junior, that the Bethlehem team is trying to bluff the American people and that the reported fabulous sum offered for Brittan is "bull." What a fine booster for soccer in America and what a fine conception this individual has of the soccer dispensed by such formidable teams as Bethlehem, Robins Dry Dock, Erie and several others. For his enlightenment, the source of the report referring to the offer from Brittan cam from a foreign source and was anything but publicity propaganda sent out by the local management. IF anything, it was the local management that was modest in trying to withhold the report that Brittan was offered a return berth with the Chelsea Club of the English League. International teams are chosen similar to the All-American selections made by Walter Camp and annually recognized as the leading representatives. IF a player is not fortunate enough to be chose on this mythical eleven it nevertheless does not detract from his ability and place him in an inferior division. Before entering the service, Brittan was a member of the Chelsea Club, of the English League, one of the most powerful clubs in the country, and after enlisting in the service, he played inter-division soccer teams behind the lines. At the close of the war he returned to Chelsea and then at the close of last season came to America. He never played on an international team but the fact that he was retained and is now wanted by the Chelsea Club would certainly give him the status of an A professional. It might also be of interest to the writer of the communication to know that players on second division teams are eligible and sometimes chosen as members of inter-league or international clubs. Other big leaguers with the Bethlehem Club are Duncan, Ferguson, Fleming, Campbell and Billy Morrison. If this writer still doubts the merits or status of certain players he undoubtedly can be further enlightened by submitting his identity and take the matter up directly with the parties he involves.