The Globe-Times – Bethlehem
Tuesday, February 15, 1921
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Soccer Support In Bethlehem Deplorable
Continual harping on soccer probably becomes tiresome to some readers of this column, but it is referred to in hopes that a large army of the sport inclined will become educated to the sport, learn the fundamentals and rules, in hopes that they will rally to the cause and give the support the game deserves. IT is needless to point out that it is the only outdoor winter sport conducted in Bethlehem on an extensive scale and as a physical developer is unequalled. The youngsters have taken kindly to the sport, apparently realizing the possibilities of development, which is indicated by the big membership enrolled in the Bethlehem & District Soccer League, and what an inspiration to even greater efforts it would be if followers of athletic events contributed their bit by turnout out to see the games. The support for this minor aggregation, as well as the championship Bethlehem Steel team, is hardly sufficient to cover the expenses to conduct the league and quite often the players dig into their jeans and contribute to keep the circuit intact. Attention is called to what measures players will resort to indulge in the sport referring to the Wilber Cup game between Nativity and Hokendauqua at the latter place last Saturday. All the players had was a field with no appropriate house or place to change into their uniforms. The game was played on a field that was virtually a sea of mud and after 90 minutes of grueling struggle they were compelled to again change their clothing in the open and wash up at a back-yard pump. How readily these conditions could be adjusted with a little support from the sport lovers. This same person who called attention to the conditions encountered at Hokendauqua is a veteran of the game and one of the first advocates for its introduction in Bethlehem. He deplored the fact that the attendance at the games at present is by far less than it was eight or nine years ago, even though the teams of the present day are dispensing a better brand of ball. Efforts, it is understood, will be again made to interest local followers with an appeal to the Chamber of Commerce, the Rotary Club and other civic organizations, asking to contribute their influence in lending support.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club