Philadelpia Again; But Not Definite
Canceled three times because of field conditions the outlook for a soccer game here on Saturday afternoon between the Philadelphia F. C. and Bethlehem F. C., the principals is very slim. T he schedule calls for the Quaker City aggregation to make a trip to Bethlehem on Saturday but according to Bill Sheridan, who is supervising the work of conditioning the field, it is more than likely that the game will be canceled for the fourth time. That his judgment is not misplaced is apparent by one glimpse of the playing pitch. Covered with ice and snow, the recent rain and thaw have converted the park into a veritable sea of mud with ice patches here and there to make footing decidedly treacherous. Should a cold snap hit the city it would improve the conditions little for then the many little pools of water would again freeze and leave a condition similar to that before the thaw set in. Several days of mild weather with a scorching sun would put the field in condition but since that is hardly likely soccer fans had best be prepared for another weekend of idleness.
Slated With New Yorkers on Sunday
Inasmuch as the local players are concerned, it is probably well that the game ill not be played for on Sunday the Bethlehem team has ahead what critics contend the hardest game of the year and one that will come very close to deciding the flag winner in the American League race. The New York F. C. is down on the boards to entertain the Steel Workers and the entertaining is to be done on the long, narrow strip of ground which designates the Gothamites' playing grounds. Furthermore, it is up to the New Yorkers to say whether or not the game is to be played, regardless of field conditions, and if the order is issued to be on hand Bethlehem will have to be there. To date the New Yorkers have been Bethlehem's most serious contender for the honors and likewise has proven the hardest team for the Bethlehem aggregation to beat. A game here on Saturday would expose the local players to injuries and even if the team did come through the players would no doubt be at a disadvantage since there is nothing on the books for the New Yorkers on Saturday. A victory over New York on Sunday will come pretty near to deciding the issue.
Jock Ferguson Accused of Training
If Jock Ferguson, one of the best backs that ever sported the Bethlehem colors, violated training routine when a member of the Bethlehem Club, local fans would like to see him when he is keyed up to high pitch. From the New England states where Jock is doing time with the J & P Coats team, of Pawtucket, R. I., critics intimate that Jock is training hard for the first time in his career. As for playing the best game of his career, no one would dispute but certainly Jock was at his best or as good as his best when he played a back with the Bethlehem teams that successfully romped through for about any championship possible several years ago. If he lacked proper training when a citizen of Bethlehem, he certainly did prove a marvel. With a Ferguson included with the present combination Bethlehem would most certainly sport the two big cups in the trophy room at the end of the season. Pawtucket made the grab of the season when Jock was influenced to cast his lot with the J & P Coats team.