The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, March 5, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Soccerites in the Running
Bethlehem F. C. newly organized and apparently having struck its stride, are again destined for National laurels if the team sporting the colors now can be retained intact for campaigning next season. It took a lot of work to weed out players and although the victories were not so many during the process of experimenting it seems as though the club now is molded into championship caliber. That was apparent Sunday when playing on one of the hardest fields for the Bethlehemites on the circuit, the Steel Workers came across with a victory over the strong New York F. C., and practically clinched their title in the American League race. The downfall of the Gothamites was one of the most glowing victories in the campaigning of the Bethlehems this season. The local team still has quite a few more hard contests, including clashes with Fall River and Pawtucket, but critics feel that after the display of soccer served out by Bethlehem before a crowd of several thousand New Yorkers yesterday afternoon, the team is destined to win the honors.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club