Compare Stevenson With Ferguson
If anyone a few years ago would have attempted to compare other fullback with Jock Ferguson, then a Bethlehem F. C. celebrity, he would have found argument unanimous to the opposite. Still that is what they are doing up around the New England district where they go one better by saying Stevenson, a team mate of Ferguson, is better than the old reliable Jock. It may be that the veteran is sort of slipping but soccer devotees who have had the pleasure of seeing Jock in action this season are just as certain that he is the same old reliable and effective player as he was when he sported the Bethlehem colors. Comparing merit of the two players, the following sports squib apparently originating in the New England district, was lamped in one of the exchanges:
"The critics down east claim that Stevenson, right fullback of J & P Coats, of the American League, is a better back than Jock Ferguson, the former Bethlehem star. He might be at this stage. But when Ferguson was a few years younger he could have given Stevenson many pointers.