The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, March 8, 1923
Steel Team is Logical Eleven to Represent State in Proposed Contest

The likelihood that the Bethlehem F. C. will be one of the principals in a State championship series was learned this morning when it was heard that negotiations are under way by the State Soccer Association to arrange such games. It is understood that if the plan develops, one of the games will be played in the Pittsburgh the district of the Western champions, and the other in Philadelphia, the city representing this district. Relative to the Philadelphia game, it is said that some efforts would be made to have the game played in Bethlehem.

Regardless of what the outcome is in the American League, in which Bethlehem now has a strong hold on first place, the Bethlehem team is the logical opponents to represent this district for every other team in the circuit, with the exception of the Phillies, is an outsider.

The Western representative is the Arden, Pa., eleven which recently lost to the Scullin's of St. Louis, the latter to appear as the Western finalist in the National Cup competition of the U. S. F. A.

Saturday's Game

When Bethlehem journeys to Philadelphia on Saturday afternoon with the hope of playing one of the many postponed soccer games with the Phillies, the locals will find the force of the Quaker City players strengthened with the inclusion of a former Scottish star in the lineup. The player is George Runkle, a halfback, formerly of Kilmarnock, Scotland, who arrived on these shores only a few days ago and is said was radioed by nearly every manager connected with the American League, with a view of securing his signature on a contract.

Besides Runkle, the Phillies will also have in their lineup for the first time Alf Whittle, formerly of the Preston North End Club, of Philadelphia. With both of these new stars together with the regulars, the Phillies expect to present a bold front when they tackle the Steel eleven on Saturday.

The popularity of the Bethlehem team is apparent by the information learned this morning that the team is invited to participate in playing in Canada. A new league, comprising the leading clubs, was recently organized in Montreal and expect to start operating in April. Just what action will be taken by Bethlehem is still under consideration.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club