A schedule of games up to April 8 was arranged at the regular monthly meeting of the American Soccer League, presided over by W. Luther Lewis, of this city, and held in New York yesterday afternoon. The schedule of games follows:
March 17 -- Bethlehem Steel vs. Philadelphia, J & P Coats vs. Fall River.
March 18 -- Brooklyn W. vs. Paterson, Harrison vs. New York.
March 24 -- Bethlehem Steel vs. J & P Coats, Philadelphia vs. Fall River.
March 25 -- New York vs. J & P Coats, Paterson vs. Fall River.
March 31 -- Philadelphia vs. Harrison, Bethlehem Steel vs. Fall River.
April 1 -- New York vs. Fall River, Harrison vs. Philadelphia, Paterson vs. Brooklyn Wanderers.
April 7 -- Bethlehem Steel vs. Brooklyn Wanderers, J & P Coats vs. Fall River.
April 8 -- Brooklyn W. vs. Bethlehem Steel, Harrison vs. J & P Coats, New York vs. Philadelphia, Paterson vs. Fall River.