The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, March 14, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Warns Against Getting Too "Cocky"
While critics generally agree that the Bethlehem F. C. with its present lineup, is strong enough to grab the American League flag this season, they nevertheless warn against getting too "cocky" and call attention to the fact that there are no less than four other teams in the circuit who are playing quite nifty football. These teams in mind apparently are the New York F. C., regarded as the most dangerous contenders, the Paterson F. C., which recently played the New Yorkers to a scoreless tie in the semi-final of the National Cup competition for the Eastern championship; J & P Coats of Pawtucket and Fall River. In the Philadelphia Inquirer this morning, Levi Wilcox, soccer expert, quotes "Mike" Kelly, as chief scout and business manager of the Bethlehem Club, and concludes with expressing his opinion favoring Bethlehem for the flag, but warns against being over confident. Wilcox says:

""Mike" Kelly, chief scout and business manager of Bethlehem, who are leading the American League series, informed us at Harrison last Sunday that this is the Steel Workers' year for winning the rag in the premier professional organization in the East. Mike, who we give credit for at least using common sense informed us that when Bethlehem tackles New York their nearest rival for the gonfalon, that the up-Staters will literally ride roughshod over the McGhee clan.

"Mister Kelly claims that the inclusion of Bethlehem's new center halfback and the signing of Maxwell, who toured this country with Third Lanark two years ago, has given the team such a mighty punch that Mike is of the honest opinion that there is not a team in the American League at the present time capable of even making it interesting for Bethlehem.

"From the aforegoing statement we take it for granted that everything is over regarding the title this year with the exception of presenting the cup and medals to the Steel Workers. We opine that Mister Kelly is accurate in his forecasting. But on the other hand, we would also advise the Bethlehem players that there are at least four other teams in the American League circuit who can also play some nifty soccer. Therefore they should not become "all het-up" because of their recent victory over the New York for anything is likely to happen before the end of the race. Speaking of Bethlehem all arrangements have been completed for the Phillies to board the rattlers for Bethlehem, Pa., next Saturday, for the purpose of meeting the up-Staters in a postponed league match, providing, of course, the grounds are fit. The Phillies will be a harder team to beat on this occasion. But as Bethlehem cannot afford to drop one single point with New York, Fall River and Coats right at their heels, indications point to the locals being given a warm reception with the probability that they will return to home cooking with another game played minutes the two points."

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club