The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, March 19, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Local Athlete with Visiting Team
Included in the lineup of the Philadelphia F. C. in the game against the Bethlehems on Saturday afternoon was Joe Morrison, a player developed on the sandlots of this city. Joe, also a student and star athlete at Bethlehem Prep where last Fall he played in the backfield on the football team and is expected to star behind the bat in the coming season on the baseball team, made his debut before the home town crowd and although outclassed by the superb work of the locals acquitted himself in good style. Morrison is one of the few players developed on the local lots that ascended to the big time sport. His early training in soccer was with the North Ends where his work attracted the attention of the bigger clubs. He was then signed and given a tryout with the Bethlehem team and would probably have been retained on the membership role but for the following season big time soccer was abandoned in Bethlehem and the local players sported the colors of the Philadelphia F. C. Playing with the Phillies will not affect his status as an amateur, for it is understood that all the players on the team are signed to amateur contracts.

And Bethlehem Should Worry
When Johnny Walders of Philadelphia officiated in Saturday's game the Bethlehem F. C., he not only earned the displeasure of the moguls of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Football Association but under this jurisdiction is automatically suspended. The Phillies likewise were a suspended club. However, the Bethlehem players and management have little to worry for although the Eastern District has assumed the importance of the supreme being in soccer the Bethlehem club and the others indicted are still on the fair side of the ledge in the United States Football Association and after all that is the body that counts and supervises the game nationally and not only in one district. It will be remembered that several months ago a woman team migrated to this country for a series of exhibition games and the Phillies were on the list for one of these contests. For some reason or other the women did not size up satisfactorily in the moguls of the Eastern District and the latter immediately said "you dare not play or we will suspend." Permission, however, was received from the National body but in spite of the Eastern District refused to rescind t heir attitude or action. The result was the Phillies played the women and Johnny Walders refereed the game, which by so doing both drew a suspension from the Eastern District. Strange, the importance some minor lieutenants do assume which is not only applicable in soccer but other sports as well as other walks of life. As for the game, Bethlehem might have earned the displeasure of the Eastern District, but on the other hand the plaudits of the governing body.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club