The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, March 23, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Gotham Soccers Still in the Running
Although Bethlehem F. C. and J & P Coats, of Pawtucket, R. I., are tied for first place in the American League standing, the New York F. C. still has a chance in copping the bunting. Both of the winners have played sixteen games and have totaled twenty-four points. New York's total of points is but seventeen but then the Gotham clan has played three games less than either of the league leaders. Therefore, the New York F. C., who will be the opponents of the Bethlehem F. C. on the Steel Field on Saturday afternoon, still have a running chance. Unless, of course, Bethlehem should down the visitors on Saturday, in which even the locals' standing would be slightly improved while that of the New Yorkers would be practically entirely lost. On the other hand, a defeat at this stage would lessen the chances of the Steel Workers. Under these conditions it should be a corking good game, flavored somewhat by the interest prevalent in the closing rounds of the cup competitions. While Bethlehem is battling to retain its lead in the league standing, Pawtucket will be idle awaiting Sunday for the crucial test which will decide whether Paterson F. C. or Pawtucket will be the Eastern representative to meet the Scullins of St. Louis, present champions, in the National Cup final.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club