The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, March 26, 1923
Rally in Second half Gives Local Soccer Team Hard Victory
Victory on Saturday Places Home Team in the Lead in League

by Fred S. Nonnemacher
Only once before did the Bethlehem F. C. experience the unusual happening of having a fullback score a goal which incidentally in that instance brought victory to the local clan. This was, it is believed, in the Homestead game staged here when Jock Ferguson, now with J & P Coats of Pawtucket, R. I., scored with a short from close to midfield.

The feat was duplicated on Saturday afternoon when Young, the Bethlehem left fullback, skimmed the ball along the ground from long range, the sphere landing in the net and brining victory tot he Bethlehem over the New York F. C. by the score of 2 goals to 1. When Young manipulated his unexpected try, it apparently caught Geudert, the goalie, completely napping for the latter who figured in many brilliant saves made only a feeble attempt to intercept the ball. Likewise did the goal place Bethlehem at the front of the American Soccer League standing.

The contest was bitter battled inspired by the intense feeling of rivalry which cropped out in the early minutes of play. A blustering gale sweeping across the Steel Field proved a dominant [...] in the run of the game but did not interfere to such an extent to rob the contest of its thrills. In fact it added color to the spectacular phase of the contest it compelled the backs of both teams to extend themselves to their utmost to thwart the efforts of the forwards playing with the wind to their backs.

Bethlehem lost the toss and the visitors selected the goal with the wind to their backs. The result was that during the greater part of the opening period Bethlehem was defending. Only once or twice in the first thirty minutes of play did a Bethlehem movement carry the ball beyond midfield in the territory of the visitors and then only momentarily for the backs in clearing were aided by the strong gale the ball was carried almost the length of the field. The result was that Highfield, the Bethlehem goalie was called upon quite frequently and proved master of all tight situations, of which there were many, but one when the visitors sneaked in their lone tally.

The final half was practically a repetition of the opening half with Bethlehem having a decided advantage and the visitors kept almost continually on the defensive.

In the closing fifteen minutes of play, Bethlehem speeded up their attack and after counting the equalizing followed quickly afterwards with the winning goal.

Had Bethlehem lost it would probably have been due to the good sportsmanship displayed before the game by the local management. Due to injures and illness, Manager McGhee brought a team here one man sort and prepared to take the field with only ten men. Realizing the distracting moral effect on the fans and players as well to take with a position vacant, the Bethlehem management prevailed upon the visitors to try and secure the eleventh player. Such a proceeding is in violation of the American League code but Bethlehem waived its right to protest and was satisfied to have the game stand as played.

Reid, practically an unknown around here and well up in years which was indicated by the sparse growth of hair on his cranium was persuaded to jump into a suit and of course no one expected this fellow Reid to do much more than to go out on the field and sport a uniform. For an eleventh hour substitution it is doubtful if the visitors could have done better with their entire regular team for the playing of the substitute ranked with the most brilliant displayed by the visitors. He showed a thorough knowledge of the game, was in good physical condition and stuck out the entire game with scarcely no let up in his effectiveness. For in appearance he closely resembled the veteran Jock Ferguson.

Bethlehem's equalizing tally came after thirty minutes of the restart when Douggie Campbell got possession of the gall and centered. Goldie was almost up against the mouth of the net when the ball came sailing directly toward him. Guedert was completely beaten when the speedy Bethlehem wingman headed it in [...] goal came after the half had [...] through a [...] of players. [...] as the ball in [...] intercepted long before [...] skimmed along the turf [...]. The lineup:

Bethlehem -- New York F. C.
Highfield -- G -- Guedert
Young -- RFB -- Reid
Ferguson -- LFB -- Kelly
McFarlane -- RHB -- T. Stark
Carnihan -- CHB -- Berriman
Terris -- LHB -- Meyerdeicks
Campbell -- OR -- McGhee
Rattray -- IR -- A. Stark
McNiven -- CF -- Mitchell
Maxwell -- IL -- Coleman
Goldie -- OL -- Kelly
Goals -- Mitchell, Goldie, Young. Referee -- George Young, Philadelphia. Linesmen -- J. Harry Carpenter and Horace Williams. Time of halves, 45 minutes.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club