The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, March 27, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Good Sportsmanship and a Rough Shake
When the management of the Bethlehem F. C. condescended to loan a player to the New York F. C. on Saturday to give the visitors a complete lineup, waiving all protest if defeated, they apparently figured that the worst they could receive would be a defeat which incidentally would have thrown them out of the flag race. The New Yorkers, however, went one better and although Bethlehem won the game they are mourning the loss of the player loaned to the visiting aggregation. One could hardly call that gratitude in spite of the fact that the Bethlehem management is not sorely grieved at the loss of the substitute individual who it is believed is well up in years and close to the end of his playing career. It happened like this. The first contingent of the New Yorkers comprising seven players arrived early in the day, the remainder to follow on a later train. The second battery comprised only three players and reached the field shortly before the time scheduled for the start of the game. Injuries and sickness was the wail of the visiting management, who, however, said he would take the field with ten men. The local management realizing that such a procedure would not only enhance the interest in the contest but would more or less affect the enthusiasm of the spectators, agreed to allow the visitors the use of a player by the name of Reid who in his hey day did service with some of the big teams in England and Scotland. Bethlehem waived the right to protest in the event of defeat. Other favors extended to the visitors were in saving the management a half century due in fines as specified by the league regulations; $25 for appearing on the field short handed and a like sum for delaying the start of the game which was twelve minutes behind time when Referee Young tooted his whistle. And this fellow Reid did play football. He may be a veteran and close to the end of his career but he acquitted himself in great style and rivaled the play of some of the more younger exponents. After the game he thanked the local management for the courtesies extended him during his tow or three weeks stay here and then accepted a more luring offer received from the New Yorkers for a permanent berth with the Gotham aggregation. Reid, intimately acquainted with quite a host of players in the Bethlehem lineup originally came to Bethlehem in hopes of making the team.

What a Sore Bunch on the Homecoming
Fall River, Mass., formerly a magnet of attraction to Bethlehem soccer players, no longer presents the luring features. If anything, the local aggregation if put to a vote would unanimously ballot in favor of no more trips as guests of the Fall River Club. It was a sore bunch of players that got off the train at Bethlehem last night after playing what was supposed to have been an exhibition game at Fall River on Sunday but which in reality materialized, according to the players, into a rather rough affair with the Bethlehem players mostly on the receiving end. They certainly were anything but pleased with the treatment accorded them and were not backward in expressing their attitude. While what heretofore was harmonious relations between the two clubs is sadly strained and it will be effort that the management will hold the Bethlehemites in check when the visitors come here for their American League game next Saturday. Fall River, apparently expects a comeback for it is learned that efforts are being made to cancel the game. The contention of the New England aggregation is that with the New York game called off due to the National Cup final in that district the expense involved of coming to Bethlehem for the one game would be too great. W. L. Lewis, president of the American League, and Thomas H. Cahill, secretary, after considering their request of Fall River management have ordered that the game be played as scheduled and as a result Fall River will be here next Saturday. In arriving at this decision, the executives took into consideration two trips Bethlehem will have to make for single games, one with Fall River and the other with Pawtucket. It was also pointed out that the league is already many games in arrears due to the frequent postponements occasioned by weather and field conditions and to complete the season before baseball breaks in to detract the interest there can be few if any more postponements.

State Championship Tilt Not Discarded
That there is a possibility and a very strong one at that of staging a two game series and a third if necessary to determine the State soccer championship was learned this morning when it became known that the Bethlehem management is favorable to the proposition and is waiting final decision of the Arden, Pa., eleven, the western representatives. This Arden team is the same club that several weeks ago journeyed to St. Louis and gave the Scullins a hard battle on the latter's home field before succumbing to defeat by one goal margin. Bethlehem, in fact, it is believed is anxious to go through with the series and have announced their desire in a recent communication to the Arden management. Since the latter suggested the series, one game of which was to be played in Pittsburgh, the western district, and the other in Philadelphia, the eastern district, the only obstacle now remaining is the definite reply from the western club. As for the game to be staged in Philadelphia, it is almost certain that the Eastern fracas will take place in the backyard of the Bethlehem F. C. At least that is the intention of the local management. The delayed reply from Arden it is believed is held up until after the National Cup final is decided and which will be played on Harrison Field, N. J. on Sunday afternoon. Should the western representatives win the latter it would add materially to the interest of the State championship.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club