The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, March 30, 1923
Stage All Set for Important Clash Between Bethlehem and Fall River Here Saturday

Fall River F. C. and Bethlehem Steel F. C. are all set to stage their American League game at the Steel field tomorrow and everything points to one of the best games of the year. The visitors will be out to show that the three goal victory gained at Fall River in an exhibition game last Sunday was no fluke.

The locals will go into the game determined to wipe out that score and judging from their present feeling that exists in the ranks of the Steel Workers the visitors will have to play better football than they did on their previous visit if they are to give the locals their first home defeat of the season. Fred Pepper, the former Bethlehem player now sporting colors of Fall River, suffered a sever injury to his right leg in a game against Philadelphia last Saturday, but he expects to be seen in the lineup against the locals. Bill Collier, who played a few games for Bethlehem two years ago, will be seen at right back for Fall River. The probable lineup of both teams follows:

Fall River -- Beth. Steel
Higgins -- G -- Highfield
Collier -- RFB -- Young
Kemp -- LFB -- Ferguson
Stone -- RHB -- McFarlane
Orr -- CHB -- Carnihan
Lorimer -- LHB -- Terris
Woertez -- OR -- Campbell
Reid -- IR -- Rattray
Brittan -- CF -- McNiven
Pepper -- IL -- Maxwell
Quinn -- OL -- Goldie
George Young of Philadelphia will be referee. The game starts at 3.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club