The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, March 30, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Soccer Game Lone Sports Attraction
Sports followers will have little to chose from tomorrow, as the only attraction in this line is the soccer game to be staged on the Bethlehem Steel field. With this attraction, however, appetites are certain to be appeased and the fan craving excitement should get his full share of thrills by journeying to the big athletic plant in the north section of the city. Intense rivalry, a feeling engendered by the reception accorded the Bethlehemites in their visit to Fall River last Sunday for an exhibition game, is sure to be evident in the ninety minutes of hostilities. The Fall River clan will come to Bethlehem with Harold Brittan, a former local player at the helm and a determined effort to check the Bethlehem team in their victorious glide to the pennant can be expected.

Ratican May be Among the Visitors
The many friends of Harry Jay Brittan, one time star center forward for the championship Bethlehem teams, would not in the least be surprised if Harry took advantage of his visit East and came to Bethlehem for a Saturday visit. Ratican is not coming East in the capacity of a player but is accompanying the Scullins, of St. Louis, finalist in the National Cup competition to be decided against Paterson at Harrison, N> J>, on Sunday, as an advisory coach. Since leaving Bethlehem several years ago, Ratican has been quite active in soccer in the East, having played with Todd Shipyards, Fall River and last season made a favorable impression as coach of soccer at the United States Military Academy at West Point. Since he returned to St. Louis, his native heath, he played several games with all of the leading clubs in that district. Harry is thoroughly familiar with the Eastern style of soccer and should be a valuable asset with the championship Scullin team as an advisory coach. The Scullins are to defend their title against Paterson, Eastern Division champions and the latter is favored to have the edge on their Western rivals.

Bethlehem Annexed Title in Four Finals
Due to the honors at stake, interest of soccer devotees is naturally centered in the National final to be staged at Harrison, N. J., on Sunday afternoon with the Scullins of St. Louis and the Paterson F. C. the principals. In this classic event, which will be the tenth annual, Bethlehem still enjoys the distinction of having won the cup trophy oftener than any other team in the country. Of the nine championships, Bethlehem has already safely tucked away four and if the present team can be retained intact for next season it is a pretty sure bet that it will be the Bethlehem's to figure in the championship next year. Bethlehem won the honors in the seasons 1913-14, 1914-15, 1917-18 and 1918-19. In addition to the National Cup trophy, Bethlehem annexed the honors in the American Cup compassion on six different occasions. It might be of interest to know that in the league competition to date, Bethlehem has twice eliminated the championship Paterson team. Three games were played in which Bethlehem won twice and tied one. The locals have one more game to play with Paterson and unfortunately for the home town fans the game will be staged on the Home loam of the Paterson club. The Bethlehem schedule calls for eleven more games in the American League, five of which will be played at home. These include a game with every team in the league with the exception of the Eastern champions. Fall River will be here on Saturday afternoon and other clubs to follow are Harrison, Brooklyn, J & P Coats, of Pawtucket, R. I., and the Phillies in the order named. On Easter Monday Bethlehem will be the attraction in Philadelphia.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club