The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, April 3, 1923
Steel Soccer Clan Will be Called on to Defend Position in League Over Weekend

Two games over the weekend is the lot decreed by the executives of the American Soccer League for the Bethlehem F. C. and incidentally both games will be against the Brooklyn F. C., one at home and the other away from one.

The home game will be staged on the Steel field on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock and on Sunday the Bethlehems will journey to Brooklyn to return the compliment. Bethlehem is riding at the top of the American League by a margin so slight that an unexpected reverse would topple them off the topmost perch and be quite likely to pace J & P Coats of Pawtucket in that position.

It is the Coats eleven that is proving the real contender for the honors now in the grasp of the local team and the danger of going into games over-confident or treating opponents as trifling opposition. Such seemed to be the case in Philadelphia Monday morning, when Bethlehem nosed out victorious by the narrowest margin possible.

Brooklyn is not one of the league leaders, but a team that has developed in merit considerably since the opening of the season and on the form displayed by Bethlehem Monday could furnish plenty of trouble. Two victories over the weekend would not assure league victory, but would strengthen the grasp on the pennant for the home team.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club