The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, April 9, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

No Expert to Diagnose the Ailment
It would hardly require an expert to diagnose the ailment of the Bethlehem team. No doubt Mr. Wilcox is basing his opinion on the showing of the Steel Workers in the Philadelphia game on Easter Monday and the deadlock in Brooklyn yesterday afternoon. Summing up the merit, the Bethlehem team intact will be a hard team to be beaten but naturally when substitutions are frequent teamwork is shattered and effectiveness lost without the brilliant combination work which has characterized the play of the Bethlehem clan. And from our observation combination play is what has been lacking . When Bethlehem clashed with Fall River here Saturday a week ago quite a few of the players were eligible for hospital treatment. In fact so severely were several done up that they were unable to make their appearance in the lineup against the Phils the following Monday. With the regular forwards indisposed the scoring power of the team was lost. Against Brooklyn Sunday the forward line was again weakened by the absence of Capt. Rattray, Dan McNiven and Maxwell. Reference is made not to reflect on the merit of the players who assumed the positions but quite certainly it is the regular crowd playing together that is in a position to perfect the better teamwork. With all the regulars back in the lineup and in good physical condition, J & P Coats, or whatever other team which may happen to be contenders for the American League bunting, will find the Bethlehem a worthy foe.

Tenth National Cup Competition
Soccer fans will be interested to know that the final in the National Cup competition staged a week ago at Harrison, N. J. was the tenth classic conducted by the United States Football Association. With the exception of Bethlehem, no team grabbed the honors more than for one year. The first classic was garnered by the Brooklyn Field Club in the season 1913-14. Then for the next two seasons Bethlehem annexed the club. In the season 1916-17 the Fall River Rovers broke in for the honors but Bethlehem came back strong the following year and retrieved the honors lost. Bethlehem again repeated in 191819 but the following year the honors were shifted to St. Louis by the Ben Millers. Following winners were the Robins Dry Dock F. C., of Brooklyn, a club now abandoned; then the Scullin Steel F. C., of St. Louis and for the present year the Paterson F. C. Bethlehem will probably be a strong contender for the honors next years.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club