The Globe -- Bethlehem
Saturday, April 14, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Soccer Tilt Means a Lot to Bethlehem

Whether Bethlehem F. C. is to continue as major domo in the standing of the American Soccer League race will be rather definitely decided after the ninety minutes of hostilities staged at Pawtucket, R. I. this afternoon. J. & P. Coats the most feared rival and strongest contender, was the party of the second part in the engagement. In this clash Bethlehem players pitted their prowess against such former local celebrities as "Jock" Ferguson, the brilliant back and "Whitey" Fleming, the flashy and sure shooting forward. The contest means much to both teams, particularly the Bethlehem delegation, who, providing they capture both points will send their stock a great deal higher as the probable champions of the A. L. circuit for the first time in their career.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club