The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, April 20, 1923
Each Side Scored a Goal in Fracas in Massachusetts Town Yesterday

The Bethlehem Steel vs. Fall River American League game at Fall River yesterday ended in a tie, one goal each, after 90 minutes of strenuous battling. Bethlehem had much the better of the play in the first half, but were unable to penetrate the defense, and half time found the teams tied, none scoring . IN the second half Fall River had a slight edge on the Steel Workers, but not sufficient to balance the scale to the extent of crediting them with a draw on actual play. The Steel Workers suffered severely by continuously penalizing by Referee Lambie, 27 fouls were called on Bethlehem to nine on Fall River, some of the penalties were so questionable that the Bethlehem players did not know what to expect from the official. Five thousand fans were rooting for Fall River to avenge the 6 to 1 defeat handed them at Bethlehem three weeks ago, but they were not equal to the task despite the strenuous appeals from the sidelines. Several Bethlehem players were injured during the game. Terris got a bad cut over the right eye in the first half, and Maxwell had to be carried from the field in the second half as the result of being kicked by Brittan. The latter tried to get the ball and apparently had no intention in getting the Bethlehem inside left. The outstanding bit of rough work of the game must be charged to Collier, Fall River's right back. Goldie had tricked him so often that the seemed to make up his mind to stop him at all costs. Half way through the second half Goldie got possession and after making tracks for the goal when Collier grabbed him around the neck and pulled him back with such force that he was knocked unconscious for several minutes. The fouls was so blatant that the better element in the Fall River team called on the referee to put Collier out of the game for the latter did not seem to have the never to take the chance. Bethlehem's goal was the result of a clever bit of work by Maxwell and McNiven, the former carrying the ball down the field with clever pay in the second half and passed to the center forward and the latter beat the goal keeper easily with a hard drive.

Eight minutes from time Bethlehem still held their lead despite desperate efforts by Fall River to score and it looked like a sure victory when a penalty was called on Bethlehem for an infringement that nobody seemed to see but Lambie. Lorimer took the kick but Kerr could clear. [...] minutes later a penalty kick was called on Carnihan when he dispossessed Brittan,, and the latter dropped to the ground, claiming a foul. The referee pointed to the fatal spot and then Brittan got up, smiling, and essayed to take the unwarranted try, [...][ shot lacking direction, and rebounded from the bar and was easily [...]ed by Young.

Fall River -- Bethlehem
Biggins -- G -- Kerr
[..]ap -- LFB -- Ferguson
Collier -- RFB -- Young
Lynn -- RHB -- Raeside
[...] -- CHB -- Carnihan
Lorimer -- LHB -- Terris
Weartezes -- OR -- Campbell
[...] -- IR -- Rattray
Brittan -- CF -- McNiven
Pepper -- IL -- Maxwell
[...]unn -- OL -- Goldie

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club