The following officers were elected temporarily: President, W. Luther Lewis of Bethlehem; vice president, Robert S. Cummings of Pawtucket; treasurer, Fred Smith of Todd's Shipyard, and secretary, Thomas W. Cahill. It was decided that each club pay a deposit of $500, which must be in the treasurer's hands by May 17. It was also proposed to play two home and two away games, making 28 contests in the competition.
A committee was formed of the following: Fred Smith, Thomas W. Cahill, Maurice Vandeweghe, W. Brown and J. E. Schofield to draft rules and constitute bylaws to be submitted for approval at the next meeting of the league on May 21, which will enable it to have everything cut and dried for application for affiliation with the national body, which will be made during the following week at the annual meeting of the United States Football Association in Philadelphia, May 27 and 28. The headquarters of the new league will be New York.
The plans which materialized in the organization of the new league were divulged by Mr. Lewis several weeks ago although at the time nothing definite had resulted. The Bethlehem soccer devotee will be vitally interested in the organization of a team to represent Philadelphia but will withdraw from the club once the club is organized and turn over his interest to Philadelphia representatives to devote his enti9re attention to the Bethlehem club.
It is believed by soccer critics that the organization of the American League means the passing out of the National League, a circuit which in the last two years was rather loosely conducted and was not very popular with soccer fans. The new league will in no way conflict with the competition in the American and National cup competitions.